im stuck with doombuilder!
ok, i have read the doombuilder guide and it says this:
Now, given that this is Doom Builder, most of the items on there will be Doom related games. However, there is one item on there we need, and that is Sonic Robo Blast 2. We need to configure the IWAD, which basically tells Doom Builder the graphics and types and all that jazz. Don't worry about that technical aspects of it, just know that it needs an IWAD.
The IWAD we will use is srb2.srb. So click the browse button, go to your SRB2 folder, and type in srb2.srb. Then press enter. You should see something in the box saying "C:\SRB2\srb2.srb" or stuff like that.
the problem is that it dont show up the srb2.srb, so i kinda stuck here.