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Do you think that this is a good idea?

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A pinball level--- and I think I might've found a way to make it work. I haven't been able to test my theory because my level editor saves the wads weirdly... anyway, this is how it works. It's a 2-D mode thing (I'm ready for harsh critisism about 2-D mode) and there's low gravity. The pusher thing is a red spring, and the flippers are yellow/blue springs. If the flippers are blue, then the bumpers would be yellow. If the flippers are yellow, the bumpers are blue. I want someone to test this theory and see if it works... please?
I want someone to test this theory and see if it works... please?
Do you honestly think the rest of us haven't already thought of making a pinball casino stage? We're not going to test this out and see if it works. You can do that yourself with the editor. This isn't a place to post ideas, it's a place to post what you make with those ideas.
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