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DMZWadPack 2: Digi's Multiplayer Collection

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In case you haven't noticed by now (which you should've), I'M BACK :D!

*Ahem* Now that we've gotten that out of the way, for the past few weeks, I've been working on "DMZWadPack 2", a multiplayer collection consisting of my best maps. These include remastered versions of stages made from Demo 3 all the way to Final Demo. Most of these have been released some time in the past, so you might see some familiar maps, but there are a few maps here that haven't been released before!

Most of these maps were designed for Match mode, but they also support Chaos mode. Two maps in the rotation (MAP63 and MAP69) were designed for Capture the Flag. The maps included in this collection are located in the range MAP60 - MAP71, where they are divided by the period in which they were created. They are as follows:

"First Era" - Designed during Demo 3
MAP60: Sonic Lake Zone
MAP61: Platform Lagoon Zone
MAP62: Green Warren Zone
MAP63: CTF Mazeathon Zone º

"Middle Era" - Designed during Demo 4.35
MAP64: Deathmatch Lobby Zone
MAP65: Isolated Hub Zone *
MAP66: Station Orbit Zone *

"Late Era" - Designed during Final Demo 1.04+
MAP67: Metallic Devastation Zone *
MAP68: Chemical Basin Zone
MAP69: Twinkle Palace Zone º*
MAP70: Nocturnal Sahara Zone
MAP71: Waterfall Island Zone

º - Supports Capture the Flag mode
* - Never before released!

All of these maps with the exception of Nocturnal Sahara Zone (MAP70) have been updated to work soundly with 1.08 as well as to add little fixes to quirks. Also included are five secret maps. I suggest you give this collection a shot!
Included in the downloadable zip file are two wadfiles: "mtfa_dmzwadpack2.wad" and "mtfa_dmzwadpack2-music.wad". The former is the bulk of this collection, while the latter is entirely optional; it simply adds custom music.

Please, if you have comments and suggestions, don't hesitate to tell me. I could learn something! Above all, have fun :D.

DOWNLOAD: mtfa_dmzwadpack2.zip (1.57mb)
EDIT: File updated to fix quirk in MAP64. Redownload.
*sniif* no special thanks? MEANIE! :evil: ...erm...nice wad pack there.
Anyways, i know all the levels that are in this pack, and I think they all are fine, fine maps. Heck, i remember back in Demo 3 when the first ever netgame i played, was on CTF Mazeathon under the nick Superhyperspazzo_Sonic. Ah, those were the good times.

Ya so, i suggest anybody who has a brain should come here right now and download this pack. There are also some secret maps here and there, but it will take time to find out how to get to them. Teehee! :mrgreen:

Digiku has been a great friend on IRC with me for the last forever. I have helped him with suggestions and comments on all of his maps. I even beta-tested this pack with him. He is a great guy.

GG Digiku :D
Yellow Galaxy is one of the hidden maps, isn't it? :0~

Oh, and I helped test the maps as well, though it really doesn't matter much.
Hmm, I think I remember beta testing Yellow Galaxy and Deathmatch Lobby. Or maybe I just downloaded them.

Anyway, great maps, Digiku!
ah digiku, back from the grave i see? never knew you made srb2 files.

Map 60 - damn, this is a fine level, except, im a bit picky on the fences.. look a bit odd

Map 61 - its about time someone made a mini-level, this would be great with about 32 characters.

Map 62 - hmm, how did you get the water to be green, but not make sound effects?, Either way, its good, but, its nto really that great then it should be.

Map 63 - no complaints, should be played in chasecam for best results though

Map 64 - wheres MY seat? good stage, a bit odd at the least, i was expecting another one of those " my room " stages

Map 65 - wasnt really feeling the mood of the stage, seemed too wide, even IF its in space

Map 66 - finally, a SPACE stage, with SPACE music, instead of that slow music, really good, but the lower levels would be murder, for some

Map 67 - the light in the middle of the stage is a great touch, NOW im feeling the mood of the stage [ although you mightve been able to put some boss music loop in the lumpmods and such ]

Map 68 - even a waterfall, great touch, dont fall in!

Map 69 - damn, this is the longest base-to-base stage ive seen so far, very good, looks like a palace, except for the base guardians

Map 70 - a desert level, rocks are a nice touch, i cant really judge them, due to wad-makng limits, btu the cave seems a bit odd to me, try to make it change hiegts a bit, so it looks like an small cave

Map 71 - hmm, nice touch, although it should be a bit higher, so that it feels a bit more realistic, but thats just me being picky

//EDIT: I double-posted, firefox couldnt catch up
I did(using the launcher, with no extra options or parameters), but the music is the same.
Yes, I've tried them all, but they all have music from SRB2.
Most of these maps are nice! I didn't like a few, though. That Mazeathon was way too confusing. It didn't work well with the camera, and finding your way was hard.
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