I think this is the first thread I've start on this forum. :?
Anyway this thread is about the new RC of the game I'm making, Dlpha.
This version includes a complete rewrite of the character code well as added party control as well as a tutorial making RC3 the most user friendly version so far. Thats why I've been bothered to post it here. :D
If you can open swf files you'll only need to download RC3 however if you can't you'll have to download RC1 which includes the EXE file or RC2 if your using Mac.
I'm mainly after commants on how I could improve the game.
Anyway this thread is about the new RC of the game I'm making, Dlpha.
This version includes a complete rewrite of the character code well as added party control as well as a tutorial making RC3 the most user friendly version so far. Thats why I've been bothered to post it here. :D
- Mulit-Language Support
- Complex NPC Chat Trees
- Bold Backdrops
- Viewable Character Moods
- Party Member Control
- Party Tutorial
- Click Pickup
- Click Tutorial
- Cookie Save
- Viewable Droped Items
If you can open swf files you'll only need to download RC3 however if you can't you'll have to download RC1 which includes the EXE file or RC2 if your using Mac.
I'm mainly after commants on how I could improve the game.