Django Urikashima
For about 4-6 months since I've been playing SRB2, I've always thought about playing the game using my own character. But after multiple attempts to test out even a few sprites proved to be more annoying than I'd have hoped...
Anyway, I recently picked it up again, and after a few hours of nonstop work, I think I finally got it the way I semi-want it.
Edit: There is now a video of my character in action. though it still has a ways to go, the ability to super jump using the spindash button is definitely something I have yet to see.
Link to demo video
I still have a LONG way to go, but I believe this is a step in the right direction.
(Day 11) Current progress:
I have successfully recolored all my current sprites to fit the SRB2 Palette. Go me.
Made a new life image:
The design of my character is based off the Sprite Version of him I did about 4 months ago (10 months on the older sheet). I had to make some color changes to make it work with SRB2's color palette, so it didn't come out QUITE how I had first envisioned it, but it's a step in the right direction, and I'm happy about it none the less.
Links in case you are interested...
Anyway, I'll probably be working on it sporadically, but if you have anything you can pass off to a rookie SRB2 character maker, I'm all ears and willing to listen.
-=Ratings from private Beta Testers=-
miles the togepi: 8.5/10
Anyway, I recently picked it up again, and after a few hours of nonstop work, I think I finally got it the way I semi-want it.
Edit: There is now a video of my character in action. though it still has a ways to go, the ability to super jump using the spindash button is definitely something I have yet to see.
Link to demo video
I still have a LONG way to go, but I believe this is a step in the right direction.
(Day 11) Current progress:
I have successfully recolored all my current sprites to fit the SRB2 Palette. Go me.
Made a new life image:
The design of my character is based off the Sprite Version of him I did about 4 months ago (10 months on the older sheet). I had to make some color changes to make it work with SRB2's color palette, so it didn't come out QUITE how I had first envisioned it, but it's a step in the right direction, and I'm happy about it none the less.
Links in case you are interested...
Anyway, I'll probably be working on it sporadically, but if you have anything you can pass off to a rookie SRB2 character maker, I'm all ears and willing to listen.
-=Ratings from private Beta Testers=-
miles the togepi: 8.5/10