[DISCONTINUED] Pepper-Minted Models: Official Game Models

[DISCONTINUED] Pepper-Minted Models: Official Game Models v1.11 - DC-Knux and DC-Amy!

The boost model does not even work, I have put all the correct code and the correct name of the folder I put the model in but still it doesn't work ;-; :cry::cry::cry:
Read rule 15 again Vincent
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Hey! Never really posted before, but hopefully this gets the reply I need. I've been trying to install these models, but it's in the folder "PEPPER", and I don't really know what to do. I've put it inside the models folder, nothing happened. I've tried to separate the files, but don't know where to start. Can someone PLEASE help me? I have no clue how to install these models.
Move the "PEPPER" folder to the "MODELS" folder on Srb2, then go to The Text file And copy, and paste everything Into the "MODELS" dat file, Then just launch the game,
In your case, you'll have to reinstall the model pack, sense you separated the files,
But before you do you have to delete the separated files.

This actually happened to me for like an entire month,
Like when i just started playing
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what's the code ???
The boost's model code name is:
BOST PEPPER/BOST.md3 2.50 0.0
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Does anyone know how to get colors sonic to work its stuck on the jeck jims model for modern sonic
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dude for the life of me i cant get the colors model to work im stuck on the default jeck jims
It's because you need to delete the jeck jim's modern sonic line, It should look like this:
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Totem of Peppermint flavored models.
View attachment 67026
Omfg A Fucking abomination
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RPG Sonic could work as a model for F Sonic. Change my mind.
Exactly What i did
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Have Fun!!! (The Picture) You Got Games On Yo Phone


  • Screenshot 2022-05-14 11.20.25 PM.png
    Screenshot 2022-05-14 11.20.25 PM.png
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When you download the model pack, there will be a text file saying "read", just duble click it and copy and paste everything in Model.dat in the srb2 folder
Tengo una idea para que salga DC-modern sonic.
mi plan es el siguiente:
1.-primero que alguien sea amigo del creador de los modelos 3d
2.-que le pida que le pase el modelo de DC-neo sonic
3.-luego que el amigo del creador de los modelos 3d edite las animaciones de DC-neo sonic y le agrege las animaciones de modern sonic
4.-que lo termine y envie el modelo de DC-modern sonic aqui
Tengo una idea para que salga DC-modern sonic.
mi plan es el siguiente:
1.-primero que alguien sea amigo del creador de los modelos 3d
2.-que le pida que le pase el modelo de DC-neo sonic
3.-luego que el amigo del creador de los modelos 3d edite las animaciones de DC-neo sonic y le agrege las animaciones de modern sonic
4.-que lo termine y envie el modelo de DC-modern sonic aqui
lo siento, pero este sitio está en inglés, así que use un traductor para que podamos entenderlo/sorry but this is an english speaking site so please use an translator so that we can understand you

Also this model pack is discontinued pepermints already making a brand new model pack/Además, este paquete de modelos está descontinuado pepermints ya está haciendo un paquete de modelos completamente nuevo.

And your message is clearly kind of breaking rule 15/Y su mensaje es claramente una especie de infracción de la regla 15.
lo siento, pero este sitio está en inglés, así que use un traductor para que podamos entenderlo/lo siento, pero este es un sitio de habla inglesa, así que use un traductor para que podamos entenderlo

Además, este paquete modelo está descontinuado pepermints ya está haciendo un paquete modelo nuevo/Además, este paquete de modelos está descontinuado pepermints ya está haciendo un paquete completamente nuevo.

Y su mensaje claramente infringe la regla 15/Y su mensaje claramente es una infracción de la regla 15.
pero podemos hacer el mismo modelo de dc-neo sonic con las animaciones y sprites de modern sonic, algo parecido al dc-classic sonic del paquete de modelos de sonic jam
but we can make the same dc-neo sonic model with the animations and sprites from modern sonic, something similar to the dc-classic sonic from the sonic jam model pack
pero podemos hacer el mismo modelo de dc-neo sonic con las animaciones y sprites de modern sonic, algo parecido al dc-classic sonic del paquete de modelos de sonic jam
but we can make the same dc-neo sonic model with the animations and sprites from modern sonic, something similar to the dc-classic sonic from the sonic jam model pack
Well then do it yourself then?
mis que no se como hacerlo XD.
que es la regla 15 ?
15.No le pidas a la gente que haga cosas por ti, ni solicites ciertas modificaciones o funciones./Do not ask people to make things for you, or request certain mods or features.

And again use an translator this is an english speaking site/Y nuevamente use un traductor, este es un sitio de habla inglesa.
See rule 15. In addition, if an user expresses their disinterest in helping you, don't ask them *again* in two different threads.
I request that you and I, together with some of your dead sky friends, make the models of DC-MODERN SONIC AND DC-UGLY KNUCKLES, adding some models of mine in a new pack of 3d models