Desktop pictures

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FoxBlitzz said:
That visual style comes exclusively with Windows XP Media Center Edition. I believe it's called Crystal Blue?

Can I download it? I can't seem to find the download anywhere.

Yes, I did Google it.

Royale Blue, the theme used in Media Center.

Also, Nitro, how can you use such a small resolution? 800x600 makes everything look huge and bloated. The bare minimum you should use is 1024x768. D: D: D: Also, use a more friendly image format. Like PNG.
ree-c said:
Also, Nitro, how can you use such a small resolution? 800x600 makes everything look huge and bloated. The bare minimum you should use is 1024x768. D: D: D: Also, use a more friendly image format. Like PNG.

I've grown to love it. I never use any other resolution then 800x600, even though my screen can handle 1024x768 with ease. I like bigger icons, and I rather be able to use small backgrounds, instead of being forced to use one of at least 1000x600 if I want to make the background look good.
I can't stand 800x600. Everything seems..... so...... BIG.

Here's mine.
Megaboom1 said:

This is my Desktop. My sister actually bothers placing it in some random order. *points to Michael's Stoof* That is my placement folder. *secretly kicks Toontown icons into folder while no one is looking*

Flame's Desktop wins in so many ways. I even said, 'Watch out, you're gonna crash! AHHH!!!'

Holy spoof! I use toontown too! Man I got to play it more often.
Vista look's like its trying to be like Mac's dash board. Huh, oh well... Anyway, If only my own PC worked to I could take a screenie :( ... I've been on my brothers (sails the fox) and its SO SLOW!....*goes to ebay to look at more AMD athlon xp 2.0 ghz processors*
sonicfreak94 said:
Vista look's like its trying to be like Mac's dash board.

You do realize that Apple wasn't the first to use widgets, right? Programs like Stardock's DesktopX and Konfabulator could already do it long before Apple put out their less-than-perfect widget system.
Wow, you barely have any space left on your hard drive. :eek:

You barely even have space on your hard drive.PERIOD.

I have atleast 120gb of space on my hard drive.
As a special treat, you get to see how much space I have left on my desktop.


Even I can't find things anymore...
M.V.P said:
Wow, you barely have any space left on your hard drive. :eek:

You barely even have space on your hard drive.PERIOD.
That's nothing, wait until you see my computer's specs.

Which I will not show. *shot*
I'll Begin said:
M.V.P said:
Wow, you barely have any space left on your hard drive. :eek:

You barely even have space on your hard drive.PERIOD.
That's nothing, wait until you see my computer's specs.

Which I will not show. *shot*

Then how can we see your computer's specs? *moreshot*
I'll Begin said:
As a special treat, you get to see how much hard drive space I have left.


Thats nothing, you should see my brothers disk space left.


Stupid photo bucket shrunk the image :x
Sails the fox's HD has 141mb's left. The HD part of mine that has my stuff on it has 54.3 GB's left out of 56.9 GB's. And the part of my HD that has programs and such has 13.6 GB's out of 17.5 GB's..My HD is an 80 GB hd :mrgreen:
That's nothing. I have a 232 GB hard drive. Just three more hard drives like this and I'll be close to a terabyte!
210 GB left on mine, then. Still got lots of room for... Well... whatever it is that you want to put on it.
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