Denouncing a common myth

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Princess Plushima

Princess of Dreams
I noticed alot of people seem to think it is impossible to kick someone in a netgame if they have a space in there name. This isn't true! Simply inclose the spammers name in quotation marks. Example:
kick "Spammer with multi word name"
Don't remove quotes and viola. I think it's something like, the quotes make the game realise there part of the same parameter. But I didn't code the game so I'm not sure. This should help alot of people.
That's how most things in computers work, at least from what I've seen. Generally, if there's a space in there, it stops and thinks you're adding another parameter or something. Unless you throw in quotes, of course. ;P
I think we should be able to kick players by their number. It'd make kicking much faster and easier.
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