Ace Premier
Team Springs' member
Oh hello there, This is begining of thread where I will put out stuff I am working on obviously. Yeah, I am not helpful am I.
What are your plans for the music?
This looks pretty nifty. I like that it seems to take some of the thematic elements, but make it your own thing. I do have a thread that has my SRB1 remake stuff in it and others that helped with my project (, but it seems like you are going a bit of a different design direction than I was (though I secretly want to see my SRB1 literal Crawla and JEV's boss redesign actually be used).
Anyway, it looks good so far!
Man, I love the aesthetic on these!
Hey, if you want, maybe I can take a stab at the KBZ bgm? I need to get back into the groove anyway.
Pretty long overdue thanks Lach ! and GoldenHog r/woosh.
There is bit of my progress I did, actually I didn't made any progress, because I am proudly nuked entire thing few months ago. Oops
So I brought all of you screenshot and gif (Been seen on Discord Already)
I guess you won't see this project for while again on forums at least and if everything goes as in my plan you may see First Demo w/ Knothole this year.