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Custom ability project

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Astar he means like the Bounce Attack in Sonic Adventure 2.

I don't know if it can be done. Unless you do something like Sinkoo.wad in reverse... I have no clue, but it'll be complicated and probably not worth the time.
Astar, stop spreading lies. Spawn two spring objects, one launches you down, the other would launch you up. The one that launches you up quickly dashes downwards using A_BunnyHop, or A_BubbleRise. Both springs have a painchnace of 1, meaning they put the player into his spin frames.

End Result: The player is launched downwards by the first spring, where he crashes into the second spring, and is launched back up. The second spring would be slightly more powerful than the player's jump, as the bounce attack was.

And missile status does to do things! D:
Indeed, but you said "missile status" in such a context, that I interpreted it as the MF_MISSILE flag, which causes damage to anything other than the target, has no friction, and other random things.

Ah well, failure to communicate.
edit button please.
Is it possible to have a character that draws rings to himself whie spindashing.
and not keep a shield as a side-effect.
If you know where in the SOC to look, you could rip the Bombshield from SonicOverdrive v2 and edit it to give Magshield instead and apply only to spindashing.
so many technecnial things, so little knowlage....

Ehhh, Only a hand full of soccers (heh heh soccer) know what they are talkiing about, like take me for example, I can make good socs, but I have no clue what the hell I'm doing, even with the wiki page up
Chaos Knux's idea is probably the best you could get. It would come with a mild side-effect of protecting the player from hit while he was spindashing, and causing a blinding light when used underwater in Software mode.
I still don't see a bounce ability. Unless that springspin is it, in which case, you didn't fulfill my request.
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