Initializing socket... DONE1.
Initializing server socket... DONE9.
usgae: masterserver.exe port
Freeing server socket... DONE10.
Free socket... DONE2.
furyhunter600 said:The MS needs a banning system in it though, so that users know why they are banned.
*Gasp* Haxx0r!FoxBlitzz said:He means something built-in to the Master Server, and SRB2, so that it will actually inform the user in-game that they were banned and why (like the hack we just installed on this board).
NeoJames said:*Gasp* Haxx0r!FoxBlitzz said:He means something built-in to the Master Server, and SRB2, so that it will actually inform the user in-game that they were banned and why (like the hack we just installed on this board).
...Whats the hack do?