Crawlas can Thok now O_o (ThokingCrawlas.soc)

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WR 102
Okay, I don't know what made me prone to make this SOC, but it's a hell of alot of fun.

It just makes crawlas act like sonic, you know, jumping and thoking.
Red Crawlas thok faster than the blue ones, as if you didn't know already.

Heres a screenshot for you to enjoy.

Two crawlas are jumping, about to thok, and one is already thoking

Woah, this sounds cool. *downloads* I think this a cool soc. I have question though. If you use other types of robots, etc. to replace crawlas will they thok too? Also, if the homing is turned on will they thok into you?
Jman said:
Is this a soc like the one Draykon made with the Sonic's.

I doubt it, I made this SOC in less than 10 minutes.

I just added some A_* actions to the crawla states.
camo man said:
Looks good, but from the screen it kind of looks like THOK01 is a completely solid colour. *downloads*

Yeah, noticed that in the screenshot. But in the SOC its transparent.
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