OK, first off, I'm sure alot of you out there have probably forgotten me, but whatever. Anyway, I have a few questions related to comparisons with the original DOOM2.EXE. First off, a little backstory:
Right now I'm using DooM Builder (I've already compiled my own configuration) to create a 128 map set (and on that subject, DooM Builder makes the editing go a little faster, so it should all be done in a matter of months) and I ran into a few questions that I wasn't sure about.
1. Does SRB2 support "Infinite Nodes" (except 64k linedefs, even ZDBSP doesn't solve that so I'm used to that)
2. Are there any visplane problems I should be worried about? As a true DooM mapper, I've gotten into making insanely detailed maps, but obviously in DOOM2.EXE there's a Visplane Overflow problem I would be bound to run into eventually, as soon as my maps got too detailed.
3. Should I worry about Seg-Overflows, also ala-DOOM2.EXE?
4. Why doesn't the engine allow for proper use of Impassible lines? Is it something to do with the way the camera deals with them?
5. Why aren't the textures and flats in DOOM2.WAD or DOOM.WAD read by SRB2WIN.EXE? In most of my experimental maps I've been toying around with, all I get is a big red wall.
6. Is there some kind of insane reason that negative-heights in a sector are not allowed? I've used them quite alot and they work just perfect.
Right now I'm using DooM Builder (I've already compiled my own configuration) to create a 128 map set (and on that subject, DooM Builder makes the editing go a little faster, so it should all be done in a matter of months) and I ran into a few questions that I wasn't sure about.
1. Does SRB2 support "Infinite Nodes" (except 64k linedefs, even ZDBSP doesn't solve that so I'm used to that)
2. Are there any visplane problems I should be worried about? As a true DooM mapper, I've gotten into making insanely detailed maps, but obviously in DOOM2.EXE there's a Visplane Overflow problem I would be bound to run into eventually, as soon as my maps got too detailed.
3. Should I worry about Seg-Overflows, also ala-DOOM2.EXE?
4. Why doesn't the engine allow for proper use of Impassible lines? Is it something to do with the way the camera deals with them?
5. Why aren't the textures and flats in DOOM2.WAD or DOOM.WAD read by SRB2WIN.EXE? In most of my experimental maps I've been toying around with, all I get is a big red wall.
6. Is there some kind of insane reason that negative-heights in a sector are not allowed? I've used them quite alot and they work just perfect.