Alright, many topics are being created about how their wads have problems, or something about their wad editor not working, or some such similar problem. Well, here's a list of Wiki articles/Forum topics for assistance in such matters.
#1) The chief problem most people seem to have is character editing, whether it's something not working, or something unknown. There is an easy way to answer all these questions.
That is the SRB2Wiki character design article. If followed, there should be no problem with your character.
Note that a major common issue is lowercase lump letters. Read this:
for fixes on that.
#2) XWE issues. Basically, people being unable to figure out how to get it to work/can't find a feature with it. Well, here's some stuff for you there, too.
Contains a download link to the latest XWE version with SRB2-specific special features.
A tutorial explaining XWE's menus, how to install, etc. This should be used in conjunction with a tutorial about what kind of wad you're making.
#3) Textures. They can be a bit difficult, but when you know what you're doing, they're easy. But where to learn how?
Right there.
#4) Audio. Music, sounds, etc. Yes, people have some problems with these. Well, a link for you, too.
This tells what kinds of music SRB2 uses. It also links to a music tutorial, and a music slots list.
Any other <emphasis>common</emphasis> errors/issues? Please bring them up!
#1) The chief problem most people seem to have is character editing, whether it's something not working, or something unknown. There is an easy way to answer all these questions.
That is the SRB2Wiki character design article. If followed, there should be no problem with your character.
Note that a major common issue is lowercase lump letters. Read this:
for fixes on that.
#2) XWE issues. Basically, people being unable to figure out how to get it to work/can't find a feature with it. Well, here's some stuff for you there, too.
Contains a download link to the latest XWE version with SRB2-specific special features.
A tutorial explaining XWE's menus, how to install, etc. This should be used in conjunction with a tutorial about what kind of wad you're making.
#3) Textures. They can be a bit difficult, but when you know what you're doing, they're easy. But where to learn how?
Right there.
#4) Audio. Music, sounds, etc. Yes, people have some problems with these. Well, a link for you, too.
This tells what kinds of music SRB2 uses. It also links to a music tutorial, and a music slots list.
Any other <emphasis>common</emphasis> errors/issues? Please bring them up!