Classic Sonic Simulator: Tips 'N Tricks


Charged up & ready for action!...maybe not...
Oh, hello there!​

Welcome to Classic Sonic Simualtor: Tips 'N Tricks, where I (as a somewhat of a CSS veteran) share interesting tips to help you improve, and tricks to stand out from the crowds of many.

This is primarily to raise awareness of the fact that, despite having the freedom to make anything, traditional levels should be the only rule in CSS. However, when trying to get into it as if you're, for example, making diners of all things, it will be trial-and-error. I want to make it easier for anyone playing the game to create and play their own Sonic stages.

And remember: This is only a Part 1. There will be more of this thread series, so if you like it, stay tuned up.


This part will show you how to make a functional "teleporter", working in sideways. You will need basic understanding of adjusting the object's position and its gravity position.

Step 1: Finding the Correct Zone Style
In Classic Sonic Simulator, there are 7 Zone Styles (Test, Green Hill, Marble, Spring Yard, Labyrinth, Star Light & Emerald Hill). For this part, we will a need a Zone Style with large chunks (Marble & Labyrinth), as all the others are much trickier to do. I decided to choose Labyrinth, for both screenshots & videos.

Step 2: Starting The Setup
Now that we selected our Zone Style, it's time to start making the "teleporter". Start by putting 2 blocks on the floor, then adding a Speed Booster on top. Now you will need to do the same above it, but reverse the Speed Booster's gravity position. You can do this by clicking in the object, which will show up the Object Configurations, and setting the "Y Facing" option to -1. As both Speed Boosters need to face the direction to the right, set their Object Type by 2 in the smae Object Configurations sub-menu.

Your starting build should look like this (Note that you don't need to copy the exact chunk layout as I did; it is only meant as an anti-emptiness flavour):


Step 3: Bridgin' It Out
This is where we start making things a bit harder. Start making a "bridge" of blocks in the same line as the 2 blocks on the lower part. They need to be exactly on-line, as otherwise it will not work. As your ending the bridge on this chunk, make those 2 Speed Boosters again, exactly on-line as the first two. This will almost finish the setup on one chunk, but if you want to have more of them, then repeat this step each time. If your making 2 chunks, like I did, it should look like this:


Once you finished the bridge, make the other line of the "teleporter". It should look the same as the previous.

Step 4: Hiding The Truth
Now that you finished setting the Teleporter up, you need to hide the bridge by using 2 wall chunks. This is the final step to setting the "teleporter", so this is how the teleporter should look like by the end:

If your done making it, then lets test it out!

The way the "teleporter" works is that Speed Boosters can usually get you clip into the wall. It can be used to either troll people or, in this trick, help them proceed on with the level. If we have only put the left line of the "teleporter", then it would allow us to go through the first chunk; that's the reason why the multiple sets of Speed Boosters at the end of each allow you to progress further. The bridge is also important as it needs a solid floor inside the chunk to reach the sets.

But, what if I want to make them you can go back to the left?
Unfortunately for you, that doesn't work. It would've been cool to see it working, but it doesn't, since the final set of Speed Boosters before the right line will always eject you back to the left, even with Object Type 1. I doubt it will be possible to fix anytime soon.

Welp, this should be it for Part 1. If you like this thread series, then consider staying tuned up for more. See you later!
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