Circuit Level Rotation - 2.1 Public Beta

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GreenFlower Zone, Green Hill Zone... When you think about it, they're one, same, bland, first-level themes: grass everywhere and a couple of hills here and there.
I'll tell you what is. It's when all you see are grass-covered hills under huge, narrow walls that have the height of the Eiffel Tower.

What I mean is, if you're gonna make this map official, give it a decent amount of scenery and a more official, less "lulzy" name.

After all, Sonic Circuit got a huge scenery remake. So why not this one?
Because if it wasn't called "Not-A-Thokfest Zone", it would be taken more seriously.
The only thing that I find lulzy about the map is its name, not its layout.

Also, nothing can put a limit to one's imagination. Not even a map like this one. Thus, there's always a way to add scenery: Remove some walls, replace them by big constructions, add some tricky shortcuts here, put some easter eggs there, ...
See? It doesn't look hard. All you need is being creative with the scenery.

...And if you need drastic measures, there's always that sector that makes everything 20% cooler...
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Because if it wasn't called "Not-A-Thokfest Zone", it would be taken more seriously.
No it wouldn't.

Also, nothing can put a limit to one's imagination. Not even a map like this one. Thus, there's always a way to add scenery: Remove some walls, replace them by big constructions, add some tricky shortcuts here, put some easter eggs there, ...
See? It doesn't look hard. All you need is being creative with rhe scenery.
Actually, I don't think the structure of the map would support that well.

I actually started working on a springfest map that would use a more immersive scenery type, but I've stopped working on it currently, just because the amount of work I would need to put into it would be better spent in other, better ideas I have. Maybe I'll finish it at some point... But not right now.
Also, nothing can put a limit to one's imagination. Not even a map like this one. Thus, there's always a way to add scenery: Remove some walls, replace them by big constructions, add some tricky shortcuts here, put some easter eggs there, ...
See? It doesn't look hard. All you need is being creative with the scenery
That's exactly what I meant by "useless and distracting new territory".
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Sorry for the big bump, but i support the idea of WTZ being in here.
Also, I hope Chilly Chasm Zone gets put in here too.
those are like the 2 best circuit maps ever!
The maps are really great. But Not A Thockest Zone is maybe very hard on laggy servers.
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