True Hyper Sonic said:
RAIKEN said:
What is the code to make yourself an admin?Please help me I'm new.
This post made me laugh.
He was talking about netgame admin.
Furiousfox already explained this, but just to be sure, I'll do it again. To become a admin in joined games, ask the host if he can make you a admin. If the admin asks how, tell him to type in console: Verify <yournumber>
If you don't know what <yournumber> is, type NODES in console to see yourself, togheter with your number. That number should be behind verify.
Example: You are node 3. Tell the host to type in console: verify 3
If the host has done it right, you should receive the message: "password correct. You are now a admin"
Some servers use passwords. Those passwords are used incase a user wants to make himself admin, without asking all the time. To make yourself admin, of course you're gonna need the password. Just ask the host for it. Once you know the password, type in console: login <whatever password>
Example: Flame_the_hedgehog hosts a game. You join. You ask Flame if he uses a password. His answer is "yes". You ask him what password is it. The password is: tehspazzo. You type in console: login tehspazzo
Now're your adminstrator, and you can use map change, game change, startrings, gravity, startlives, and all those host things.
Well? Did you understand? Oh, and by the're automaticly a admin when you host a netgame. If you have any left-over questions, feel free to ask. Just rename the topic to something else. "Cheats" doesn't fit.