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... AKA Resonious
Well, I'm making a charmy wad (not a recolor) and it has all the frames and stuff, but wen I try to play as him it gives me a "signal_handler(): segment violation" error. Dose anyone know what is wrong? Here is a download link, so somebody can see what's going on, because I have no clue. DOWNLOAD.
I only loaded that wad wen I was testing it. I don't know how a big wad would cause a segment violation.
I hope you know that i'm talking about when I say it's too big. Not the size of the character. Like zeshiro-gm takes up 545 KB,but not just in the game,in the whole computer
I didn't take the time to fix everything, but here is the version of your wad with few bugfixes that could cause problems even if the wad works.

I also cleaned it up, and put it in a zip. Its a damn small 9 KB now.

Remember that the wad doesn't work yet. I suspect that one of these things could cause the crashing:

1: The SOC has problems in it. I moved everything from OBJCTFG to MAINCFG for safety purposes.
2: You loaded newly named sprites, instead of copying a sprite, renaming it, and replacing it with your chosen sprite
3: The sprites don't work with the SRB2 pallete
4: You might wanna use less PLAY0 names. I know it saves room, but when its about the wad quality, its never recommended.
kunucklees said:
Yes I know what you mean. I also just tried using the "Clean up" option in XWE and it still dose it. Also, it's only 76KB on my computer.

Yeah, but the download itself is 9 KB. And THATS what counts.
It may just be XWE. It sometimes likes to do this to people. The result is you have to re-wad it.
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