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Character wadding contest.

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I need some more time with my character. It needs a couple more sprites to finish, but those mid-terms and Finals are this week.
I really don't mean to bump the topic, but when's the deadline? Is the contest still going?
well, yeah its still going but nobody said anything about a deadline. So we have as much time as bigboi wants there to be. That doesnt apply the sky contest.
Okay... now figure out how to make an actual sky with that. I've no doubt it's possible... though maybe not yet.
hotdog003 said:
Here it is:
http://tinypic.com/1jmcr4 - Untested.

Ritz said:
I'm dissapointed by the lack of creativity in these skies. I wanna see someone rip the Mystic Caves background from Sonic 2!
Wish granted.
5 minutes of work, SonED, and Infranview. 1024x512, 21 kbs. Looks identical. I can rip another sky if you'd like.

Hotdog, I love you. That first sky is awesome, and the Mystic Cave sky is perfect. I really appreciate this. I don't like asking people for stuff, but could you rip Casino Night's sky?

Oh, and can someone tell me how to add skies into srb2? =P
I tried making a wad out of that sky.
It sigsegvs in software and is WAY too big in opengl.
It definatly won't work with GFZSKY..
The Casino Night sky and the Mystic Cave sky will be built into my wad. Which needs to be touched up a bit before I release it. My chracter wad is DONE. I need a deadline though before I can release it. BigBoi a Deadline would really be nice. Skys are a bit hard to do so give me another week if you decide a deadline.
One casino night sky comin' right up...
My! This is fun! Does anyone else want Sonic 2 skies?

To put a sky in srb2, you need a441's Texture Tools. They involve converting TEXTURE1 and PNAMES to text, and editing with Notepad.
I have them, but I don't have the readme, which you kind of need.

Why not have the deadline be in 6 secconds? ...5... 4... 3... 2... 1...
Shuffle said:
I tried making a wad out of that sky.
It sigsegvs in software and is WAY too big in opengl.
It definatly won't work with GFZSKY..
Who ever said it was supposed to work with GFZSKY?

Personally, instead of choosing from a list of preset-skies, you should be able to provide a texture name in the map header and it would load that image for the sky, even if it was intended to be used as a wall instead. I know ZDOOM does it that way, and it seems a lot easier to do than... well, okay, I don't really KNOW how to add skies in SRB2, even if I knew how to add the texture, period.

I still want them tools, hotdog... could ya PM me a link to that, or something similar? I'll figure the tools out readme or no readme... it can't be that difficult to attempt.
I don't have the readme which you *need* for it. So, I can't untill a441 pops up.

Then again, I could write my own readme...
hotdog003 said:
Then again, I could write my own readme...
Could you? Given that these tools are apparently the ONLY ones that work as far as custom texturing goes, having them fully functional and available for... well, the select few that are guaranteed to know what they're doing would be great.

I mean, having XWE updated to support SRB2 (and, upon doing a bit of experiments, Strife too) would be great; it's directly based on DOOM, so the fact that it can't read TEXTURE1 right (though PNAMES it handles just fine) is a bit of a bummer.
Okey. Lemme just turn my other computer on and rip the CNZ Sky, and I'll have it ready in two shakes of a cat's tail.


I am not the wicked witch who demands that you give me your firstborn, Shadow hog. That's just creepy...
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