Well then For Goku to do a Ki blast thing while spinning, IT CAN ONLY WORK WITH SPINNING, not spinning in mid air.
Anyway, You would have to find a way to make a Thing type that would spawn this, Lets say you made it, Thing type 270
Now, The way I think of it, you would need to only have 1 spin frame, or 4, based on the number of KI attacks you want Goku to do. (You can have 4-*Unlimited* amount of spin frames, that is, If you are a skilled SOCcer.)
Anyway, For the S_SKIN, you would need to imput a SPINARORA action (However you spell that thing). You would Set SPINARORA = 270 (To spawn your thing)
And then after the thing is spawnned you would be able to create this thing that lets you fire the Ki things
The states for the Ki states are a diffrent story though
EDIT: I could probably help you SOC this if you want me to, Just PM me