Now 100% less jaded!
OKAY! So this is my first ever revamped full-on WAD that is in its Beta stage. I don't have many sprites done, and due to the fact that this is just a Beta sprite, it means it will take MUCH more time to release the final (what, with school and all. >.>). I know it's a skin edit, but I don't care all that much as of right now. Also, I'm trying to give him unique sprites for his thok animation, but that isn't possible (Can't be SOC'd, etc), so I gotta find some way to introduce another set of falling sprites to be used for the thok frames, rather than the original falling sprites (because I'd really rather NOT edit those). Any help is greatly appreciated!
EDIT:: So nobody makes mistakes, THIS IS A FANCHARACTER I HAVE HAD FOR A FEW YEARS. Kthx. x3