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Chaos beach

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Okay, while I admire your continued drive to try, you really don't seem to get how to make a level at all. Have you ever played SRB2 match? Look at the official stages. There are no gigantic open spaces, no rows of rings that long, and no areas where there aren't any rings. There is varied height levels and powerups throughout the entire stage.

Good deathmatch stages need a LOT to work, and the main thing is effort. I could make this in five minutes, easy. It's an FOF, a water block, and a ton of rings copy-pasted repetitively. That doesn't make a good stage.

First off, you need to actually play a game of deathmatch. Join a public server and give the game a go. It's impossible to understand why the designers made the choices they did if you don't actually play it. When you play match, note how the level is laid out and what you like and don't like about the levels.

Second, read this topic: http://sepwich.com/ssntails/mb/viewtopic.php?t=2328 - You break like half the things listed.

Third, put forth some actual effort. You won't crank out amazing stages from the start, and you certainly can't do it in one night, especially when you're new at it.

Finally, test your creation with real people. Join #srb2fun and get people to actually try your creation in a real game. Testing gives you vital feedback and lets you know what does and doesn't work in your level, allowing you to improve the map. No one gets it flawless the first time, and only through testing will you really create a masterpiece.

Hopefully that'll help, because honestly, I'm really tired of playing your honestly abysmal contest entries. I appreciate that you want to try, but please learn how the game works before you attempt to make stages for it.
Emerald Beach

Yea...so he can make whatever level he wants to that's why he designed it, he thought of it and wanted to do it
Mystic said:
Hopefully that'll help, because honestly, I'm really tired of playing your honestly abysmal contest entries. I appreciate that you want to try, but please learn how the game works before you attempt to make stages for it.
That's redundant, Mystic. ^_^
Re: Emerald Beach

Flame Sonic said:
Yea...so he can make whatever level he wants to that's why he designed it, he thought of it and wanted to do it

I don't think that's the point. The point is, he wasn't thinking of a level design when he was making it.
Roboashura said:
That's redundant, Mystic. ^_^
Department of Redundancy Department, can I help you?

Flame Sonic said:
Yea...so he can make whatever level he wants to that's why he designed it, he thought of it and wanted to do it
That doesn't change the fact that it's unplayable garbage. Personally, I'd love to see him make a good stage. However, this, and every piece of work beforehand that he's made, is crap. If he wants to make levels for his own amusement, that's fine, but if he wants people to actually play his levels, and since he's releasing it on the forums and contests I assume he does, he needs to completely change the way he makes levels. Simple as that.
If you don't inform him of his mistakes so he can fix them, he'll never get better.
Zonic The Hedgehog said:
Come on Mystic, don't bring his hopes down at least he tried.

True. But I doubt he put more than a day's effort into it. Heh, not to brag, but my 1st few wads count as trying. This however.... *dejavu of mystic's posts*

Shuffle said:
If you don't inform him of his mistakes so he can fix them, he'll never get better.

Not entirly true. People truely good at map designing will play the wad themselves and realize whats missing or wrong, and go fix it up. Other peoples opinions only help a little. The creators decision is what will be put into effect.
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