I had a problem getting help on how to change skies in a level.
I wasnt talking about level heading, I already knew how to do that.
If you read more carefully, I said as in linedef executor.
For people that want to know how to do it, this is how:
1. Make 2 sectors, one outside your map and one inside your map.
2. Click on any linedef on the sector outside of your map and give that tag a 1 and select your linedef action as trigger repeatedly or type 96 in the box.
3. Give your sector on the inside of your map a tag of 1 also and give it a sector effect(anywhere in sector)
4. Click on another linedef in the same box outside of your map and select the linedef action, change music.
5. This may sound tricky but, depending on what tunes you want to change it to, give your linedef(your change music action linedef) the same length as you tunes you want it to change it.
Note: the linedef cannot be slanted, it must be straight.
Sky: this one is easier to do.
1. Follow the same steps like on the music part except change your action to change sky.
2.This is easy; depending on what sky image you want to change it to,
give your outside of the map sector floor height and ceiling height the same number as the sky you want it to change to.
Example: Floor height= 4 Ceilng height= 4 = sky image 4.
Thats how I learned how to do it. Thanks for reading and I hope it works for you.
If you have a problem ask me. I will give you better details and a better solution.
I wasnt talking about level heading, I already knew how to do that.
If you read more carefully, I said as in linedef executor.
For people that want to know how to do it, this is how:
1. Make 2 sectors, one outside your map and one inside your map.
2. Click on any linedef on the sector outside of your map and give that tag a 1 and select your linedef action as trigger repeatedly or type 96 in the box.
3. Give your sector on the inside of your map a tag of 1 also and give it a sector effect(anywhere in sector)
4. Click on another linedef in the same box outside of your map and select the linedef action, change music.
5. This may sound tricky but, depending on what tunes you want to change it to, give your linedef(your change music action linedef) the same length as you tunes you want it to change it.
Note: the linedef cannot be slanted, it must be straight.
Sky: this one is easier to do.
1. Follow the same steps like on the music part except change your action to change sky.
2.This is easy; depending on what sky image you want to change it to,
give your outside of the map sector floor height and ceiling height the same number as the sky you want it to change to.
Example: Floor height= 4 Ceilng height= 4 = sky image 4.
Thats how I learned how to do it. Thanks for reading and I hope it works for you.
If you have a problem ask me. I will give you better details and a better solution.