CAS Track Pak- The Sunshine Update!

CAS Track Pak- The Sunshine Update! v1.3.6

RedDasherCAS updated CAS Track Pak- The 2000s era Update! with a new update entry:

V1.2.- The Pac-Man and Dolphin Update!

It's been awhile huh, well the time has finally come and here it is! The newest update of the Track Pak is here, bringing in not one, but two new maps to enjoy!! Without further ado, here are the new maps!

New Race Map: Retro Maze CE
View attachment 142722

A Pac-Man World Rally track of the iconic maze now returned with a Championship Edition makeover. Can you get through this large maze while Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man are watching you? Can you spot any secrets while...

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Fun maps! Here's some feedback, mostly focusing on readability of maps.

Breezy Village
A fun leisurely drive. Nothing too intense, but a perfectly serviceable track as is. Maybe the item sets are a little too frequent in some parts of the map. Visuals are a little on the bright side, but don't get in the way and look cozy.


This specific spot is a little hard to grasp on approach. There is a wall with spikes behind which blends in with the grey road of the track, and the wall + path split is obscured entirely by the item set. The arrows are very small and hard to read on approach, making the setpiece a little frustrating in general. ARK Arrows pointing to the left and right to indicate a path split might be a better solution, in addition to moving the set a bit as to prevent it from obscuring the set.

Frutiger Aeropolis
Love the theme, you've definitely executed the frutiger aero aesthetic pretty well. It's a neat course with varying setpieces and course elements, which is appreciated. Visibility-wise, the only issue I have is with this part here:


There is a wall at the end of this turn and a left turn, but it is hard to spot it in time. You've put ARK Arrows above the road, but they're rather hard to spot due to being high up and partially obscured. Maybe you could lower them and put them right up against the wall?

Retro Maze
It's a fun map once you get the hang of how it flows, but it suffers from some readability issues that drag it down a bit. I get that it's a port and you probably don't want to change too much about it, but here's my main pain spots regardless.


On approaching this turn, you mostly see a jumble of colours without a clear direction to go in. Naturally, this will lead you into the right path, which will have you driving headfirst into a wall. Opening up the walls to the left and right slightly here, or lowering them so you can see over as you have done in other parts of the map, could go a long way.


While driving this straight (and the identical but flipped one later in the track), you can see the tripwire ahead telling you you gotta turn in some way, but it's a little hard to tell where to go. ARK Arrows (or, if you wanna keep to the theme, some custom-made signage) could help resolve this. I would also recommend making the floor under/after tripwire cuts a slightly different colour that works with the theme, mostly just to signify that this is not part of the main road.


The signage on the floor and walls here seems to be guiding me directly into a tripwire cut. This feels a little weird, as it's not the main road and rather a side path with a cut in it.

I have little to remark on the battle maps, they are pretty fun prison maps as-is but I haven't played them in battle mode.

Keep up the good work and I'm excited to see your future stuff!
RedDasherCAS updated CAS Track Pak- The Pac-Man and Dolphin Update!! with a new update entry:

Regarding the new map

It's been over 2 days since the v1.2 update is out, but there was some problems with Retro Maze.

The AI is a major issue as it is OP because of how the map looks, mostly with turns and navigation, which can take strong advantages to them and not human players. Also if racing on the Arcade Cup in GP, this can cause major problems.

So I have decided to change as Retro Maze CE will no longer be part of the Arcade Cup, and will be a standalone track that will be on Lost & Found. A replacement...

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RedDasherCAS updated CAS Track Pak- The Pac-Man and Dolphin Update!! with a new update entry:

Another update, but big change

Now that I came back major changes happened to the Track Pak, so I hope this works out!

Major change:
-Retro Maze CE is no longer part of the Arcade Cup, guess that map is considered hard to race and to be on a cup, so it is now being considered as a "Bonus track", and will be located on "Lost & Found".

Other changes:
-ARK Arrows and adjustments have been added on Breezy Village.
-Adjustments been added on Frutiger Aeropolis.

Currently working on a new replacement for the Arcade Cup, so...

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RedDasherCAS updated CAS Track Pak- The Sunshine Update! with a new update entry:

V1.3- The Sunshine Update!

v1.3 - The Sunshine Update!

I know this has been hectic since I released Retro Maze CE, but this time this update of the Track Pak will be a whole lot better, so I'm introducing The Sunshine Update!! This has some brand-new content to suit all your racing needs.

New stuff included!

New Map: Delfino Coast
View attachment 144412

Set on Isle Delfino from Super Mario Sunshine, this track takes the layout of Circuit de Monaco of F1 into Isle Delfino's street...

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Maps are pretty solid, do have some feedback i'd like to give on the maps based on notes i took.

Breezy Village
Very minor thing, but i didnt actually pick up on this ramp having a trick panel until my second or third playthrough of this, i don't know what you'd do about this, since ultimately i don't see this as a massive issue, just would've been nice to know this was here.

Delfino Isle
Triple sneakers being accessible by anyone is really damn strong for first place, they can just take them and get through some extremely strong shortcuts in both instances they appear. (as seen in the first gif, this can be also done in the same way for the last tripwire)
One of the tripwires can be cut with the sneaker panel (intentional i presume), but this leads to a minor time save which misses out on one item set (potentially 2 depending on how you exit), you get 3 bumpers which is good for the front but not for anyone else. Doesnt feel worth taking in a catchup situation.
First tripwire cut is really cramped, didnt really use it much as a result.
The ending section lacks respawn lines, meaning you can get knocked above the wall which is devastating.

Frutiger Aeropolis
Really like the theming on this one, Frutiger aero 2000s kinda style track thats really cool. The trick panel section and the part after it where you land is really akward, i thought there was a bottom path but no, its just a death pit, even though i felt that it looks traversible (see gif 2). The upper path is akward in the sense that if you trick directly into the dash ring, which is really easy to do, you just end up face planting against the wall, which i thought was the intended interaction but its not. (see gif 1)
Despite the Ark arrows, i missed the turn to the right because they felt like they were a little too high (?) and the map doesnt really visually guide you towards that path, this is the only part that ive had this issue (see image), the rest of the map reads fine and plays well, it has a shoe before a cut but the cut isnt super strong, nowhere near the end and you only get one shoe so not a problem i think.


Retro Maze CE
Suprising to see a reimagined hell map from kart. Visually pleasing, layout works from what had to be worked with (i personally am not that big a fan of the original haha). Diggle's already given pointers to some problem areas in terms of readability, i'd like to add the turn at the third tripwire which tripped me up since the main path is made less clear than the shortcut which made me hesitate on first impressions.

I don't know how to approach giving feedback on prison/battle maps since i don't play enough of either mode to know what to point out haha

Good stuff so far, bot difficulty feels pretty fair on Master grand prix if a little tough at times, but still was a fun time going through the maps.
RedDasherCAS updated CAS Track Pak- The Sunshine Update! with a new update entry:

Another hotfix update

Well it's almost a week and I'm still making updates, but here's the list which affects all race maps.

Breezy Village:
-The trick ramp before the finish line has been changed to a small trick ramp.

Delfino Coast:
-The first tripwire shortcut has been changed as it is now a staircase shortcut.
-The tripwire in the docks at the tunnel area has been removed.
-The tunnel now has a new texture, darker.
-All the 3x sneaker capsules are now removed.

Frutiger Aeropolis:
-Lowered the Ark Arrows in...

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Why did you remove Retro Maze?
Well for a few reasons.
-That map is so hard to race because of the turns. No wonder it was a Map Hell track.
-It along with it's contents has almost exceeded to an over 50kb file size when downloading my track pack online.

So the map will be now be a standalone one.
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