Can someone explain to me how to use DB?

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I've been using Wad Author ever since this game came out, and I want to move on... the glitches in this horrid program are, well, horrid. Only reason I'm here and asking:
Someone said:
Also, I'm just going to go ahead and say that all it'll take to restore my interest in the community, if only for one fleeting moment, is one good map.
It got to me in a way that is truly unexplainable. I just checked back here today (boredom, lyk omg), and this has reinstated my joy to map things for the sheer fun of it, only as a hobby though. I realize that in the long run; I need to have as many enjoyable hobbies I can get my hands on (not to mention key work like this might touch up my already-sexy portfolio), and I figure this is legit, so it is one of 'em.

Enough ranting!

Can anyone help me with this dreadful program? Links, advice, similarities to Wad Author functions would be cool...
It's weird at first, but you get used to it very quickly. The biggest insurmountable difference from WA is that there is no mode in which you can select any type of object: you must always limit yourself to sectors, linedefs, vertices or things. Use S, L, V and T to switch between modes.

Some other things that might trip you up:
  • You use the right mouse button for everything except selection, including dragging.
  • A single right-click (or a double left-click) brings up an object's properties.
  • There's no "Join objects?" prompt; instead, lines and vertices stitch automatically (unless you turn autostitch off, in which case nothing stitches at all).
As for similarities:
  • To insert a polygonal sector (rather than just drawing its lines), Ctrl+Right-click.
  • You can change the additive-selection behaviour in the options.
  • You can change the zoom-to-mouse behaviour in the options, too; in fact, you can change a lot of things there. Have a poke around.
Feel free to fire away with any other specific questions.

I'd recommend very strongly that you read the official manual. It's got a lot of useful bits and pieces in there. Including the Insert key!
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