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Can anyone reccomend a good WAD maker/editor?

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I've completed Sonic Racetrack. I'm not done messing with it, as I need to figure out how to make Pits and crushers, but it should classify as a complete WAD. For now, I'll take a break from it, and try to learn how to create chatecters! :) But I'll be back to work on it later.
Ok... I see WadAuthor has no obvious option of making charecter WADs. So, before I can make charecters, I need to start with a basic question.
How do I make charecter WADs?
That sounds like a cool level. I'm jealous now.

Well, I just started a test level yesterday, and it looks really impressive! I've thought about turning it into a real level, but i'm afraid i'd just mess it up. I'll give it a try, anyway.

Also, is there any way to add music to the game besides Wintex? I really don't care how hard it is. I have no choice, 'cause my computer won't let me download it.
Sure, lumpmod, DeePSea... it's really not that hard, just take a MIDI and name it "D_MAPxx.MID" ("xx" being whatever the map number you wish to take up is), while MP3s and OGGs use "O_MAPxx.MP3/.OGG". Easy as 3.14159265 and the rest.
SRB2-Playah said:
Ok... I see WadAuthor has no obvious option of making charecter WADs. So, before I can make charecters, I need to start with a basic question.
How do I make charecter WADs?

Its called character, not charecter. And I'm making character request on my topic, so just give me the sprites you want and I'll make one for you.
Something wierd just happened... I suddenly lost interest in making a charecter, and felt compelled to slap together a Match level. :| So, I shall make one.
My priorities are wierd.
PM Me with your E-mail address, as usual, and I'll send it to you when it's done.
PS: Thanks for the offer, CZ64. But I'll try to make my own... Once my interest in it kicks back in.
This is great... The WAD was ready, but I was trying to add the header to it with LumpMod, and it woulden't change a bloody thing. (This was happening with my Sonic Raceway WAD.) I kept trying loads of things, and the WAD was getting the lump, but the level name, number, type, ect. just wouldn't bloody change. Eventually, I seem to have accidentaly messed up the WAD. Now, when I try to play the level, the game crashes with the bloody "Segmant violation" popup. And when I try to edit it with WadAuthor, it crashes without a popup on the first time I used it since the last time I restarted the computer, and on all the other bloody times, with a popup saying "wauthor has caused a bloody error in WAUTHOR, and will now close. if this bloody problem persists, try retarting your bloody computer." Or something like that. so, my guessing is that I'll have to remake the bloody level from scratch. :?
Naturally, this has left me bloody discouraged. I'm gonna go watch Shrek 2 untill my bloody will to remake this level arrises. But, for now, I leave you with this question: How the bloody heck do you put in a map header with LumpMod? I've read a441's guide that came with it, and his Map Header Howto on his website, but I still can't get it.
Good day.
PS: Even though I've said "bloody" several times in this post, I'm not british. I just like saying it. :P
Shadow Hog said:
Sure, lumpmod, DeePSea... it's really not that hard, just take a MIDI and name it "D_MAPxx.MID" ("xx" being whatever the map number you wish to take up is), while MP3s and OGGs use "O_MAPxx.MP3/.OGG". Easy as 3.14159265 and the rest.

Where should I type that? In the command line, or in a leavel header? And if I have to use the command line, what exactly should I type? (i.e, lumpod wadfile.wad "O_MAPxx.MID")
Name the music file o_map##m for a mp3/ogg/wav. Name it d_map##m if it is a midi. Done? Good. Make sure you put the map number where I put ##. If your map is map01, like it should be (unless there is a good reason), then it would be o_map01m (d_map01m). After that, put it in your SRB folder (wherever the program is). Also, extract Lumpmod (You can find it here) to that folder.

Open the Command Prompt (Dos Prompt, C:\ Prompt, whatever its called on your computer). It should be in Accessories in the Start Menu. Once that is done, type cd.. until it says C:\> (or whatever drive SRB is in.). Once it does that, switch to your SRB folder by typing cd and entering your path (Use quotes if there are spaces in the path). For example, my SRB folder is in Nicholas on Documents and settings. So I type
cd "Documents and Settings\Nicholas\SRB"

Once that is done, type the following:
lumpmod coollevel.wad add O_MAP01M O_map01m.ogg

and press enter. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that the first O_MAP01M MUST be in all caps. Obviously, replace coollevel.wad, O_MAP01M, and O_map01m.ogg with your files. Once that is done, it is all set.

The header is much the same, but instead you name the header MAP01D (replace 01 with your map number) and put it in your SRB folder. Then you simply type in the command line, just as above, in your SRB folder
lumpmod coollevel.wad add MAP01D map01d.txt
As before, replace the appropriate names with your files.

That should solve everything.
Alright! I've finished my remake of my match level... But, it's more than a match level now! It's now Match, Tag, Chaos, and Capture the Flag!
It's composed of 3 areas. Red team's base, Main area, and the Blue team's base. You travel by the teleporters in the walls, or (SPOILER. Highlight to read) Secret underwater tunnel. (Spoiler over.) Naturally, The blue teleporters belong to the Blue team, and the red teleporters belong to Red. It's a really dark cave, which is natural, being it's a cave.:p
If you've been reading my other thread, the one where I state that I discovered some major glitch, You'll remember that I put a bridge over the water. I got rid of that, because:
1: The glitch.
2: It was stupid. The bridge was there for only 15 seconds at a time, and you can get over the water very easily without it anyway.
And I finnaly got that map header to work! so, now it's actually "Green Caves" instead of "Green Flower zone." :roll: And it has music that actually seems fitting for a battle-filled cave. (Gloating privelages to the first person who guesses which level the music comes from. :P )
Ok. So now, I'm gonna take a break from WAD making for awhile, Because I just got Sonic Adventure DX, And I'm gonna be hooked on that for a few days. I'll try to rip myself from it now and then to check my Private Mail on these boards. If you'd like this WAD, PM me, with the usual specification of either in a ZIP file, or by itself. G'day, my people, as I leave you with 1 question:
When I send a WAD file, am I supposed to include the BAK and WAW files with it?

BAK = backup, a copy of the wad file from a previous save.
WAW = WadAuthor workspace, remembers the last map you were on and what file you set it to include graphics from (gfx.wad or equivalent).
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