
Have you been part of a bullying incident? If so, were you:

  • A victim?

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  • An onlooker?

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  • The bully?

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Chaos the Hedgehog said:
Bigboi said:
Chaos the Hedgehog said:
Shuffle said:
I've never been in any kind of fight, but there were these bullies in Elementary School.. alot of my friends had this problem and so did I:
Apparently, in Elementary School, it's cool to go around kicking doors open while people are on the toilet and laugh and point and s***. Back then I was mortified, but now that I look back at it, why didn't I just say "WTF?! Do you like watching me take a s*** or something??"

..seriously, what other explanation is there? It's basically.
*kick door open*
*runs off*
I would stand up, and $*** all over the person that kicked the door.

Why in the hell would you do a semi-Cleveland Steamer to a guy?
What the hell is that?

I think he means taking a **** on someone.
Yeah seriously, those people need to stand up for themselves, and not let anyone take advantage of you. Don't try to be the sniching kind, as everybody hates that. Just try to like, stay out of their way, and don't try to act cool, as I've seen some people try to do that. It makes them seem stupider.

Just try to talk to people and be more outgoing. That'll get you out of being a victim.
In other words, don't be a geek or a nerd. They get shoved in lockers a lot. Well, no, not THAT much anymore, as my school had these extremely tiny lockers that seem to be purposely sized so that you can't possibly fit in there, but still...

I was only in highschool for one year, though, then I went to college.
I'm the guy who is well-known and can fit into just about any social group, but I'm not the sereotypical 'popular asshole' that are so common nowadays. Which is good, I think. :roll:
Outcast, I hang out with all the other outcasts, but I'm different from the rest, I'm a nerd AND an outcast! :D
I don't know what I am. ^_^ I don't hang out with anyone at all, I am always completely alone. Heck, I quit highschool and occasionally take college classes JUST so I could be alone more. What does that make me? Sure, I'm a kickass programmer with no life, no muscles, and no tan, but am I really a nerd?...
Let's see, you'd rather ditch school and the people around you so you can stick to the computer all day, not come out all day, lift at least 20 pounds, and get a tan. I'd say yes.

I like this topic. It lets us get to know each other more ^_^
Update now. Some idiot was trying to keep a seat to himself this morning on the bus, ad I sat down on the very edge of the seat,(mind you I was the last stop on the way to school) and he goes, "Hey, did I say you could sit here?" I answered: "Did you say I couldn't?" Then He started yelling that "This kid is a ****ing ******!" (If you don't know the bigger word, PM me) I was sitting on the edge of the seat, not bothering anyone, and we were going to be at school in about 30 seconds, and the guy still wanted me off! The bus was extremely crowded too. That was the only seat left. Idiotic, eh?
I can guess that the longer word has something to do with being homophobic.. because people automatically resort to the word ****** when they can't think of anything else. :(

It's a sad stupid world, it is.
It starts with F, is that the one you're thinking of?
I don't really have too many bullies at my school. Just idiots who "think" that they are. But one time last year one of them came up to me and tried to take my PE clothes, so I punched him in the stomach. I was suspended for a week but I think it was worth it. ^.^
:| Eh only thing I been through is sexual harassment. Some 8th grade guy would walk through the halls holding his books really low and bump girls........*COUGH* with them.

It was sick, he got suspended though.
Is there some obsession with the word "gay" and hip-hop/rap nerds? Because I'm always called gay for being normal O_o

It was lunch (any other lunch, there is always some sort of food fight at my school) and this guy just decided to pull of a trick and poor tea down the back of my shirt and into my pants as to make it look like I was crapping my pants... luckly I had backup clothes for such an occasion! :D
Notice that stupidity and the word "gay" is very common at my school. It's driven me to the point that I actually wanted to talk with a counseler about it to start a zero-tolerance plan to that genre of word.
That's not JUST funny either ^_^
It's normal *shot*

I find it funny when in those huge ice packs you find a huge chunk that's not broken down, and then chunk it down a swimming pool with people in it.
1st result: Huge splash, aggrevates everyone
2nd result: After melting, it get's REALLY cold
I, being homeschooled, havn't really seen many incidences like that. It's almost freaky; I've never been involved in anything.
That's mostly a good thing, though.
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