Brighter textures/green palette released(doesn't hurt eyes)!

What do you think of this WAD?(download first before voting)

  • These colors are pwnage, perfect for SRB2.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're a good step up from the srb2.srb ones.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Meh, I'm even with them.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The srb2.srb are a bit better...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • These colors just don't do it for me...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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UPDATE 5/24/06: Seprate version with only Foxblitzz's water and my greener palette colors.

Colors from my WAD File:

Normal Colors:

The new palette:

Current one is the bottom.

I thought that the GFZ + THZ Rock textures and the green in the palette color looked very dull for a Sonic game... So I made this WAD to make the colors more simular to those in Sonic 1/2/3&K/CD.

Also, when you've added this WAD, and have looked around at the colors a bit, type ADDFILE SRB2.SRB when in a level, and you'll think that the level's life was sucked out a bit...

Note to SSNTails if he is reading this: feel free to add the palette and new textures to srb2.srb in 1.09.4 or any future versions.

Thanks to FoxBlitzz for letting me use his water textures from gfzgoodf.wad!

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That's not good for my eyes...That's like telling me to stare into the sun until I'm used to it. I think you should change up the scheme a bit. A little less bright would be fine...
Actually, I've always wanted the walls to look more gold. The default ones are too orangish and ho-hum.
It also looks... brownish.

But the new green color >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the current.
The best green is done by Blaze I think but this water looks good!
But the walls look too orange

EDIT: Hm I edited Blaze pallette a little
The walls SHOULD be orange, becuase thats what the color of the walls in Green Hill, Emerald Hill, and Palmtree Panic are.
you can find the GHZ texture within SRB2, you know. Just look in doombuilder, or some custom level that uses it. The blocks are plenty orange there!
And if you don't like the orange, but like the water and greener palette color, download the wad in the UPDATE in the first post ;).
Looks too much like the Green Hill Textures, but the water and the green color are absolutely wonderful.
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