Board Game Online - Discussion, Best Moments, etc.

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Basically, it's a board game... ONLINE!
The premise is you get some people in a game, roll dice, and move closer to the goal, at the same time, completing RPG-esque tasks that will either help or harm you by either pushing you forward, draging you back, giving you an item, an ailment, kill others, be killed, get rickrolled (I'm dead serious), and even receive strange debuffs that hinder your chat, such as the "Crazy" debuff, which only really causes you to spew the most idiotic crap in the chat when you want to legitimately speak.

While it seems a bit complex, it's become this hilarious game to some of us.
I'm sure some of you might want to talk about this, maybe even share your craziest moments with everyone. This is an open thread for such things to be discussed.

Alternatively, if you're less patient, you can jump into a discussion with people at the new IRC channel, located on the EsperNet IRC. Channel name is #boardgame.

In fact, the things that happened led to me making an entire TXT file of them.
Enjoy, get playing, and post some of your insane moments.

Also, a little something the bronies will enjoy
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In this one game, hell occured.

Sorceress UltimaXtreme threw her hand grenade to space 11.
Assassin FlareBlade got knocked 9 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Assassin #CoatRack got knocked 11 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Priestess #kathy got knocked 9 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Paladin #Fyrus got knocked 10 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Sorceress UltimaXtreme got knocked 8 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Assassin FlareBlade starts to sprint.
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 9 + 6 = 15.
Paladin #Fyrus says: AGH
Sorceress UltimaXtreme says: LOL RESET
Paladin #Fyrus says: you little shit
Necromancer #Whackjood says: Hahaha
Assassin FlareBlade entered the deadly pyramid.
Necromancer #Whackjood says: Sandopolis Zone
Assassin Sciz says: ultima you dommed us all
Assassin Sciz says: doomed
Priestess #kathy used the time machine...
...and ended up in the Prehistory!
Priestess #kathy got dragged into a cave by a hairy caveman.
Paladin #Fyrus rolled 5.
Paladin #Fyrus received a flask of Holy Water from his Guardian.
Priestess #kathy says: f
Priestess #kathy says: fuck cinema
Sorceress UltimaXtreme says: Hairy caveman?
Sorceress UltimaXtreme says: Can you say RAPE?
Paladin #Fyrus knew the answer and won a Diss Card.
Necromancer #Whackjood says: Mystic?

Priestess UltimaXtreme's TNT exploded!
Priestess UltimaXtreme got killed!
Priestess UltimaXtreme died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Assassin Sciz got killed!
Assassin Sciz died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Sorceress #kathy got killed!
Sorceress #kathy died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Assassin #CoatRack got killed!
Assassin #CoatRack died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Necromancer #sims's corpse was blown high into the air.
Paladin #Lumo got killed!
Paladin #Lumo says: HOT FUCK 18!?
Necromancer #sims says: what
Sorceress #kathy says: wtf
Necromancer #sims says: ahahaha
Assassin FlareBlade says: what
Assassin #CoatRack says: ...
Assassin Sciz is safely tucked underground. (1)
Priestess UltimaXtreme says: HAHAHAHAHAHAH
Assassin Sciz says: holy fuck
Assassin FlareBlade says: I SURVIVE
Paladin #Lumo says: did we ALL DIE!?
Assassin FlareBlade says: MWAHAHAHAHA
Assassin Sciz says: everyone except blade
Priestess UltimaXtreme says: *trollface*
Assassin Sciz says: hey guys
Assassin Sciz cast Hellfire and died horribly!
Assassin Sciz got killed!
Assassin Sciz died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Assassin FlareBlade got killed!
Necromancer #sims's Drain Soul stole a part of Assassin FlareBlade's soul. Necromancer #sims gained 1 Soul Power.
Assassin FlareBlade died and lost all diseases (Evil Disease).
Priestess UltimaXtreme says: LOL
Assassin Sciz says: :V
Necromancer #sims says: YOUR SOUL IS MINE
Sorceress #kathy won the duel.
Sorceress #kathy says: lol
#CoatRack has to skip a turn.
Assassin FlareBlade says: what
Sorceress #kathy says: hey does this work
Sorceress #kathy teleported to Assassin #CoatRack.
Sorceress #kathy mutilated Necromancer #sims's dead body with her sword.
Sorceress #kathy says: oh
Sorceress #kathy says: okay
Assassin Sciz says: ahahahaha
Necromancer #sims says: my body
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Behold the best game ever. (Or at least at the time of this post)

***Reinforcements have arrived!***
Observer #Mars says: You can do this, can't you?
Observer #MrMystery says: DU DUN
Macho Merchant Sonict shot Barbarian #Pepe 5 spaces back with a poisoned arrow up the butt!
Barbarian #Pepe got infected with Slow Poison for 3 turns with -1 speed.
Barbarian #Pepe had no use for a glue mine.
Barbarian #Pepe ate his banana and ran 2 spaces forward.
Macho Merchant Sonict used Roc's Feather and jumped forward 3 spaces.
Macho Merchant Sonict rolled 3.
Macho Merchant Sonict loves his funky Hypno Glasses.
Assassin FlareBlade says: ...
Macho Merchant Sonict couldn't shoot Barbarian #Pepe: too close.
Observer #Katmint says: You can't hypnotize a dead guy I think
Assassin FlareBlade answered wrong and moved back 12 spaces.
Observer #MrMystery says: oh god, seriously?
Assassin FlareBlade got resurrected!
Assassin FlareBlade smacked Barbarian #Pepe back 9 spaces with his hammer.
Observer #MrMystery says: this game is cursed
Assassin FlareBlade ambushed Macho Merchant Sonict unsuccessfully.
Observer #Mars says: Pepe, leaaaap
Assassin FlareBlade smacked Macho Merchant Sonict back 6 spaces with his hammer.
Barbarian #Pepe threw his hand grenade to space 118.
Assassin FlareBlade got knocked 11 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Macho Merchant Sonict got knocked 7 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 3 spaces back.
Barbarian #Pepe rolled 8 + 1 = 9.
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 4 spaces back.
Observer #Katmint says: HAMMAR
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 3 spaces back.
Observer #Mars says: .. Lol, this game
Macho Merchant Sonict shot Assassin FlareBlade 5 spaces back with a poisoned arrow up the butt!
Assassin FlareBlade got infected with Slow Poison for 3 turns with -1 speed.
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 3 spaces back.
Observer #Mars says: This is taking forever. :P
Macho Merchant Sonict shot Barbarian #Pepe 5 spaces back with a poisoned arrow up the butt!
Barbarian #Pepe's Slow Poison length has been refreshed to 3 turns with -2 speed.
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 2 spaces back.
Assassin FlareBlade knocked all his enemies 4 spaces back.
Assassin FlareBlade overcharged his space capacitator and got knocked back 31 spaces.
Assassin FlareBlade teleported to space 122.
Observer #Katmint says: pushing your luck there
Observer #MrMystery says: lol
Observer #Katmint says: Oh.
Assassin FlareBlade says: DOHOHOHOHOHOHOOOO
Barbarian #Pepe says: stole my idea
Barbarian #Pepe says: asshole :(
TNT placed.
Macho Merchant Sonict ordered his Pixie to cast Mass Energize. Everyone has all their cooldowns reset!
The Pixie has escaped and flown to Barbarian #Pepe!
Macho Merchant Sonict used Roc's Feather and jumped forward 3 spaces.
Macho Merchant Sonict went forward 6 spaces thanks to Trade Routes.
Sonict has to skip a turn.
FlareBlade has to wait one turn.
Barbarian #Pepe ordered her Pixie to prepare the Laser spell.
Barbarian #Pepe rolled 2. Meh.
Barbarian #Pepe smacked Macho Merchant Sonict back 6 spaces with his hammer.
Barbarian #Pepe drank crazy juice!
Barbarian #Pepe is crazy. CRAZEH!
Macho Merchant Sonict rolled 8.
Barbarian #Pepe froze his hands off and can no longer pick snowballs.
Barbarian #Pepe carelessly threw down his banana peel behind him.
Macho Merchant Sonict has an account balance of 9 Rupees.
Assassin FlareBlade starts to sprint.
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 10 + 5 = 15.
Macho Merchant Sonict couldn't shoot Assassin FlareBlade: out of range.
Assassin FlareBlade gave good old Gil 2 Rupees.
Observer #MrMystery says: welp
Barbarian #Pepe rolled 3.
Barbarian #Pepe bought a Rocket at the ACME Shop.
Macho Merchant Sonict rolled 7.
Macho Merchant Sonict found a Mining Pick.
Macho Merchant Sonict stood at a crossroads.
Macho Merchant Sonict picked up 2 snowballs.
Dark Blade Of Fire stole Macho Merchant Sonict's War Helmet.
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 9 + 5 = 14.
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 2 + 5 = 7. Sucks to be you.
Macho Merchant Sonict used Roc's Feather and jumped forward 2 spaces.
Observer #MrMystery says: finally
Assassin FlareBlade breaks out of his sprint.
Assassin FlareBlade had a Roll Streak of 2!
Barbarian #Pepe used his Dark Wand to deny victory to Assassin FlareBlade for 2 turns!
Assassin FlareBlade didn't use the time machine.
Observer #MrMystery says: LOL
Assassin FlareBlade says: WHAT?
Barbarian #Pepe rolled 2. Learn to roll!
Observer yoshibot says: this game is like dokapon kingdom :3
Assassin FlareBlade says: DON'T THINK THIS IS OVER!
Observer #Katmint says: but suddenly!
Observer yoshibot says: but less serious and friendship-ruining
Barbarian #Pepe says: IMMA CHARGIN MAH LAZERS!
Barbarian #Pepe says: stupid dice
Assassin FlareBlade says: I SHALL NOT BE DENIED!
Observer yoshibot says: someone cast deny! quick!
Observer SeriousIceman says: blade wins
Barbarian #Pepe says: drank crazy juice
Observer #Katmint says: someone already DID
Barbarian #Pepe went 8 spaces forward with the help of Gandalf the Grey.
Macho Merchant Sonict rolled 3.
Macho Merchant Sonict went forward 5 spaces thanks to Trade Routes.
Macho Merchant Sonict didn't enter the Engineering Workplace.
Barbarian #Pepe says: for the love of god get a gun sonict :(
Assassin FlareBlade is gonna use his Diss Card: Knockback.
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 9.
Observer Sciz says: inb4 blade gets knocked back
Assassin FlareBlade's diss card knocked Macho Merchant Sonict back 3 spaces.
Barbarian #Pepe rolled 10 + 2 = 12.
Observer Sciz says: what
Macho Merchant Sonict says: With 2 rupees? I doubt it
Observer SeriousIceman has left the game.
Observer Sciz says: wait why is blade not winning
Barbarian #Pepe joined the cowboys! Yeehaw!
Observer SeriousIceman is now observing the game.
Observer #Mars says: OH yesss
Barbarian #Pepe entered the cowboy town.
Observer #Mars says: Pepe, get the gun
Observer #Katmint says: sciz, pepe cast deny
Assassin FlareBlade says: Sciz, I was DENIED
Observer #Mars says: FFFF
Observer Sciz says: ahahaha
Barbarian #Pepe says: I have no monees
Barbarian #Pepe says: Burka durka durk!
Barbarian #Pepe says: game over
Assassin FlareBlade says: BUT VICTORY IS MINE!
Assassin FlareBlade says: DOOHOHOHOHOHO
Macho Merchant Sonict rolled 11.
***Hypno Hacks!***
Everyone has received Hypno Glasses!
Barbarian #Pepe leapt to space 129.
Assassin FlareBlade's TNT exploded!
Barbarian #Pepe got killed!
Macho Merchant Sonict got killed!
Observer yoshibot says: someone kill him
Macho Merchant Sonict peacefully rots away. (1)
Observer yoshibot says: oh
Observer yoshibot says: yeah, gg guys
Observer #Katmint says: not likely
Assassin FlareBlade says: AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA
Assassin FlareBlade rolled 7 + 1 = 8.
Observer #Mars says: GG Guys
Assassin FlareBlade is no longer denied of victory.
Assassin FlareBlade says: ...
Observer #Katmint says: ...
Assassin FlareBlade complied with the U.N.'s demands.
Observer #Mars says: lol
Assassin FlareBlade won the game!
Barbarian #Pepe says: No! YOU are the boob!
Barbarian #Pepe says: gg
Observer #Mars has left the game.
Observer Sciz has left the game.
Observer #MrMystery says: oh god
Barbarian #Pepe says: if I had the monees man :(
Observer #MrMystery says: can't stop laughing
Observer SeriousIceman has left the game.
Barbarian #Pepe says: I would've gunned you
Barbarian #Pepe says: with hypno power
Assassin FlareBlade says: Yes
Assassin FlareBlade says: But I had Hypno-Glasses
Observer yoshibot has left the game.
Assassin FlareBlade says: I would have made you shot yourself :3
Observer #Katmint says: should have hypno'd him on the UN
Barbarian #Pepe says: BUT YOU DIDN'T KNOW THIS
Observer #Katmint says: :V
Observer #Katmint says: oh, but you were all dead
Barbarian #Pepe says: >:O

tl:dr version :
Pepe, Sonict, and myself all start fighting at around 110/150 for about 30 minutes, then I pull ahead and cross the finish only for Pepe to deny me of victory for two more turns. I then blew Pepe and Sonict up with TNT.

It was amazing.
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Paladin MrMystery says:
Merchant Gingerass ordered his Pixie to prepare the Scales of Justice spell.
Merchant Gingerass ordered his Pixie to cast Scales of Justice. Merchant Dasron moved forward 20 spaces. Paladin MrMystery moved back 20 spaces.
The Pixie has escaped and flown to Merchant #Julie!
Paladin MrMystery says: 2200% interest
Merchant iKuro says: I call shenanigans
Merchant Dasron says: lol.
Merchant Eternalnami bought a Tome of Magic in the Magic Shop.
Merchant Eternalnami got chased out the Magic Shop by the witch.
Merchant Eternalnami opened up his Tome of Magic. Inside are instructions for 5 spells.
Merchant #Julie says: MERRY CHRISTMAS
Merchant Gingerass says: That's fucking awesome haha I love when that happens.
Merchant Eternalnami read the instructions for Scales of Justice in his Tome of Magic.
Merchant Eternalnami's Explosive Sheep exploded!
Merchant Eternalnami got knocked 10 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Merchant iKuro got knocked 17 spaces backward and has to skip a turn!
Merchant Gingerass says: loll you're all gonna hate me
Merchant Gingerass cast Hellfire and died horribly!
Merchant Dasron got killed!
Merchant Eternalnami got killed!
Merchant Gingerass got killed!
Merchant iKuro got killed!
Merchant iKuro received 26 Rupees from Life Insurance!
Merchant #Julie got killed!
Barbarian castper got killed!
Paladin MrMystery got killed!
The Life Ward brought Merchant Dasron back to life!
The Life Ward brought Merchant Eternalnami back to life!
The Life Ward brought Merchant Gingerass back to life!
The Life Ward brought Merchant iKuro back to life!
The Life Ward brought Merchant #Julie back to life!
The Life Ward brought Barbarian castper back to life!
The Life Ward brought Paladin MrMystery back to life!
Merchant #Julie says: HAPPY I'M DEAD PERTY
Barbarian castper says: lololollolololol
Merchant Gingerass says: lololololololol MEGA TROLL
Paladin MrMystery says: ...
Paladin MrMystery says: XD
Merchant Gingerass rolled 11 + 1 = 12.
Merchant Eternalnami tried to murder Merchant Gingerass but Merchant Gingerass was not on his space.
Merchant Gingerass's cow ran over Merchant Dasron, Merchant Eternalnami, himself, Merchant iKuro, Merchant #Julie, Barbarian castper and Paladin MrMystery, who have to skip a turn.
The tough, bald man in the Pawn Shop sold his Hookshot to Merchant Gingerass.
Merchant Eternalnami hypnotized Merchant Gingerass!
iKuro has to wait one turn.
#Julie has to wait one turn.
castper has to wait one turn.
MrMystery has to wait one turn.
Dasron has to skip a turn.
Paladin MrMystery says: my god what is happening
Merchant #Julie says: HAPPY EASTER
Eternalnami has to skip a turn.
Gingerass has to skip a turn.


Merchant Eternalnami smells his 1662 Rupees.
Paladin MrMystery says: :(

One day this happened to me with 3300% interest. Sadly, I had only 2 rupees...
Oh well, anyone for a game?

EDIT: I must share it with you guys:
Assassin Necromancer Andover read the instructions for Life Shield in his Tome of Magic.
Assassin Necromancer Andover used his Tome of Magic to cast Life Shield on himself.
Priest Merchant Elmero likes being dead. (2)
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH says: Gratz Andover, you liquidized my rubbish
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH rolled 9 + 1 = 10.
Assassin Necromancer Andover starts to sprint.
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH entered the deadly pyramid.
Assassin Necromancer Andover cast Drain Soul on Barbarian Assassin SteelTH.
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH received the Curse of the Pharaoh.
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH found the Treasure of the Pharaoh!
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH escaped from the Pyramid with the Treasure of the Pharaoh!
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH won the game!
Assassin Necromancer Andover says: OMG
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH says: Oh god lol!
Priest Merchant Elmero says: :o
Observer Negativpizza has left the game.
Observer #someone says: asshole new account
Barbarian Assassin SteelTH says: And to top it off, you guys got RickRoll'D.
*Notice: My winning video is Rickroll*

I was gonna die actually, and they were nearer and nearer. I thought I'll lose the game...
So, who else got the treasure?
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Surely the best game ever, it was really close (having the finish line at 283). Anyway, I managed to kill them 16 times, doesn't it make me serial killer-? Hey! Dexter just called...
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