With the right techniques, you can actually hide the fact that your game is made in Game Maker :3 Registered only ofcourse.
Why must people diss Game Maker? It is actually much more powerful than Mark deems it to be on the front page. It is definitly not made just for arcade games; people have made 3D modeling programs, hacking tools, MMORPGs, FPSs, fighting games, and just overall some amazing works of art in the small limitations of Game Maker Language. Additionally, you can take any DLL (as long as it's commands don't surpass a limit, but this is fixed in GM7. Proof, as I have beta tested it.) and use it's magic to further enhance your game or program.
I think the sprite pasted on object style of design is what has steered most people away from it. That's what I felt at first too. After realizing how much more powerful it is, it only took me 3 days before mustering up 20 bux and registering a full copy. If you know C++, use it instead.
On a side note, I actually do not know anything about Drag and Drop functions o.o only GML.