Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the way SRB2's netcode (basic level) works is that every players postition is sent to every other player every nth amout of time. It could be better if the nth amount of time changed to sychronize with the amount of players there were, and the connection speeds they had. That way, you could actually control yourself in a laggy netgame, instead of having to wait for everybody's postions to be sent.
It's better then not being able to move in a netgame like that.
This probably wouldn't work quite as good in match, tag, or ctf netgames, because you have to aim at people, but it would be excellent for race or co-op.
It's better then not being able to move in a netgame like that.
This probably wouldn't work quite as good in match, tag, or ctf netgames, because you have to aim at people, but it would be excellent for race or co-op.