Hybrid Kart Mapper/Porter
As you may know, some of the most recent updates for SRB2Kart have included Silence from F-Zero into the rotation. And, inspired by it, I have desided to create my own SRB2Kart pack using the other tracks from F-Zero.
Current Pack Status:
Version Beta 3.0
Beta 2.0 - Added White Land 3, and put the maps in their own segment. (F1 through to FC is currently the planned section the pack will use, but may extend the section used into FH/FL/FP/FT/FX) Also changed the subtitles to the map creator(s) and added music for White Land
Beta 2.1 (#SRB2Fun only) - Added White Land I and II and Fire Field, and added music for Fire Field.
Beta 2.2 (#SRB2Fun only) - Sorted out the music so that it loops, and added some extra music as well.
Beta 3.0 - Added Mute City I and II and Nitro Starway. Also added level select images for all tracks.
Map Status:
F-Zero Maps:
Mute City I (Present in Beta 3.0 onwards - done by ah2190)
Big Blue (Present in Beta 1.0 onwards - done by ah2190)
Sand Ocean (Not Started)
Death Wind I (Present as part of Death Wind 3)
Silence (Present in SRB2Kart - done by D00D64)
Mute City II (Present in Beta 3.0 onwards - done by ah2190)
Port Town I (Will be made as part of Port Town 3)
Red Canyon I (Will be made as part of Red Canyon 3)
White Land I (Present in Beta 2.1 onwards - done by ah2190)
White Land II (Present in Beta 2.1 onwards - done by ah2190)
Mute City III (Not planned to be done... at least, not as part of the main rotation of ports)
Death Wind II (Present as part of Death Wind 3)
Port Town II (Will be made as part of Port Town 3)
Red Canyon II (Will be made as part of Red Canyon 3)
Fire Field (Present in Beta 2.1 onwards - done by ah2190)
New Maps:
Death Wind III (Present in Beta 1.0 onwards - done by ah2190 - combines Death Wind I and II, and is a 5-lap affair rather than the standard 3-laps)
Port Town III (Not Started - combines Port Town I and II, and is a 5-lap affair rather than the standard 3-laps)
Red Canyon III (Not Started - combines Red Canyon I and II, and is a 5-lap affair rather than the standard 3-laps)
White Land III (Present in Beta 2.0 onwards - done by ah2190 - combines White Land I and II, and is a 5-lap affair rather than the standard 3-laps)
Nitro Starway (Present in Beta 3.0 onwards - done by ah2190)
Big Blue:
Death Wind III
Download Beta 3.0 Here
CZ64 for making SRB2Riders
ZarroTsu for improving SRB2Riders, and turning it into SRB2Kart
D00D64 for his contrubutions to SRB2Kart, including Silence for the music used, and Tony Thai for arranging the songs used for the tracks.
SpiritCrusher and the #SRB2Fun Ops for helping run #SRB2Fun.
Rick N. Bruns for the maps that were used as a guide for the creation of this port.
The programs Winamp and Audacity were used for editing the music into a format SRB2 works with and making it loop.
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