Actually, I tried it again on a different map that was having troubles. This time a map that was entirely in-doors, and there was a problem with a FOF there where the flats weren't appearing, and it fixed it, although as I said before, camera issues. This is rather troubling, perhaps I should just stick with ZenNode and try harder to fix them...EDIT: I'm a derp, turns out that problem was caused because I had the sectors overlap another sector. I hadn't noticed this until I decided to mess around in 3D mode, I guess ZenNode wasn't the problem, after all. Although it has trouble with building nodes on some larger maps, but, after some more testing, I found that BSP-W32 works fine for maps on DSZ1-scale (I've been screwing around with official maps lately, mainly DSZ1 for testing water-based things when I'm too lazy to do it in my own maps)