Best and Worst SRB2 character? (Not including mods.)

yeah definitely, honestly if his gun could be used while moving he would be a lot better (though he'd probably need to have some stuff with how it works adjusted)
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Honestly my biggest problem with fang is how his moveset doesn't feel like it was made for a sonic game, while the pogo bounce could be useful regardless of game style, the way his gun works makes it feel like they made it work for a much slower game, even amy, who lacks the spindash, at least has a playstyle that still works with sonic gameplay
That's why I love Amy, she's different from all the rest, yet, she can be really fun.
Knukles is the best in every aspect. I am not saying the THOK is a bad idea, the execution can be better, making Sonic surprisingly the worst.
Best: Sonic, Knuckles, Metal Sonic
Worst: Fang, Amy, Tails, Fang
(Fang is so bad, I had to put on twice smh)
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It kinda depends, Sonic, Amy and metal are made for speed gameplay, while tails and knuckles are for exploration. While for fang ehhh.
But yeah the fact charachters are made for different types of gameplay with each of them having at least one path made for them (i don't think sonic has any tho) make it hard to rank, tho i would put Fang last cuz he don't seem to have a proper gameplay type that really fits in srb2 (2.2).
It kinda depends, Sonic, Amy and metal are made for speed gameplay, while tails and knuckles are for exploration. While for fang ehhh.
But yeah the fact charachters are made for different types of gameplay with each of them having at least one path made for them (i don't think sonic has any tho) make it hard to rank, tho i would put Fang last cuz he don't seem to have a proper gameplay type that really fits in srb2 (2.2).
I agree, he can have like a side story, new levels, but not new zones, about how like he got on the train, how he was hired by Eggman etc...
I agree, he can have like a side story, new levels, but not new zones, about how like he got on the train, how he was hired by Eggman etc...
Yeah but i really don't think Sonic Team Junior would do this, like i don't know how Doom engine and Doom Legacy really work, but i don't think campaign that changes in function of the charachter you play is possible.
I mean like, no one really thought Sonic esque physics and models were possible in DOOM legacy engine, yet it became. Plus, we have force character option in servers.

Best: Metal (Speed) & Knuckles (Exploration)

Worst: Fang

Fang desperately needs a revamp. He's just not fun to play as in the levels! Did someone at STjr hate him THAT much??
Best / Favorite: Metal sonic.
(He can accelerate and can hover over the ground)
Gives me Enrico Pucci vibes.
Worst / Least favorite: Sonic
(i like him but he can only dash forward with the thok, i also fell of the stage due to being bad at controlling him.)
Best / Favorite: Metal sonic.
(He can accelerate and can hover over the ground)
Gives me Enrico Pucci vibes.
Worst / Least favorite: Sonic
(i like him but he can only dash forward with the thok, i also fell of the stage due to being bad at controlling him.)
Metal Sonic, one of the best sonic characters and pucci, one of the best jojo characters
Best: Honestly either Amy just because she's Amy and I love her, or Metal Sonic just for his dashmode.
Worst: Fang. His moveset just doesn't work in 3d. TT16bit has a Fang with almost the exact same moveset and it works really well.
It's kinda funny because the answer to this question varies a lot depending on the map AND the gamemode you're playing... xd

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