Battle Zone(GFZ-9-FSTeggman.wad)

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Yes another map. I just made it yesterday, it has a new SOC of mine in it. And it’s really hard if you don't have any emeralds. It’s great for more experienced SRB2 players. Though, assuming they have all the emeralds this map would be done in two seconds. It replaces map 09. Also, it could be in the new SRB2 Fusion mod. Screenshots will be up in a bit.(I under stand if you say it sucks, it only took an hour or 2, maybe 3)



(click on them)
part one:
part one#2
part 2
Never put all 7 emeralds in 1 level. Just...don't. There's level select for that. Anyway, it looks a bit flat and big, with platforms hanging above the level. You sure there are enough eggmans? *shot*
Super mystic sonic said:
Never put all 7 emeralds in 1 level. Just...don't. There's level select for that. Anyway, it looks a bit flat and big, with platforms hanging above the level. You sure there are enough eggmans? *shot*

There are no emeralds... Unless I copyed the wrong link :eek: ... Did you test it to find that out, or are you juging by the screenies. Because those are old screenshots.
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