Backseat Moderation and Smilies

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Well, two completely unrelated things. I'll start with the one people will actually like:

Smilies have been disabled. AJ or I will fix the posting display later to emphasize the great news.

Now for the news that's a little less awesome:

You guys NEED to stop backseat moderating.

If someone is an idiot and breaks the rules, unless you have "Moderator" or "Administrator" next to your name, it is NOT your job to say anything about it. If they're really that dumb, simply ignore the post and let the administrators handle it when they get there. This is not a shooting gallery, and if you try to make it one, you will be given a ban along with the person you're making fun of.

The following answers to someone being an idiot are acceptable:
Read the Wiki/FAQ (In response to a question)
Actually being helpful.
Not posting anything.

The following answers are not:
Read the rules.
Your grammar sucks.
This topic should be locked.
Die in a fire.

If someone is a moron, just let the admins deal with it. While I agree, making fun of idiots is fun, the reality is that it makes it very hard to clean up the mess as an administrator, and it makes my job a lot harder when you indulge in making fun of idiots.

Give the administrators a break. Let us do our jobs as easily as possible. It's hard enough to deal with the idiots as it is.
Yes! No freaking annoying smilies anymore! (It's hilarious how we need to remove basic features to keep people from abusing it) Also funny, I've been banned (I think) three times for backseat moderating. =D (2 Week intervals, lol)

Edit: Wait, saying read the rules is bad? IMHO, that's kinda harsh. "Read the rules" is just really good advice.
Yeah, but what's also funny, is how we need to put "LOOK HERE" text next to the posting area to be sure noobs see it (which won't even guarentee they will, which sucks mokney ass).
Mystic said:
Smilies have been disabled. AJ or I will fix the posting display later to emphasize the great news.
Finally, no people will make a billion smilies. I see that the smilie section is replaced by helpful links instead.

Mystic said:
Not posting anything.
That's what I do...

Mystic said:
The following answers are not:
Read the rules.
Uh... good and bad. Good: The forum rules is right next to the place where you make your post. Bad: People still won't read the rules and it's a good thing to tell people to read them.

Mystic said:
Your grammar sucks.
People don't know when to work on their grammar...

Mystic said:
Die in a fire.
*finds 10 people banned once they said that* Yeah, that's just rude.
Segmint said:
Wait, saying read the rules is bad? IMHO, that's kinda harsh. "Read the rules" is just really good advice.
It is good advice, however, the reality is that by the time you're saying that, they're probably already either tempbanned or going to be tempbanned when an admin notices. Telling them to read the rules repetitively by multiple people, then having them be tempbanned ANYWAYS just isn't exactly productive.

Vash said:
People don't know when to work on their grammar...
They will. The banning system has been revamped, so it'll display "You have been banned for bad grammar." if they try to log in after they get banned for it.
Mystic said:
Telling them to read the rules repetitively by multiple people, then having them be tempbanned ANYWAYS just isn't exactly productive.
People should just learn to know when to look at other posts before they make one, since it could stop the multiple amount of "Read the rules plz."
Mystic said:
The following answers are not:
Read the rules.
Your grammar sucks.
This topic should be locked.
Die in a fire.

Anyway...I think the links on the side are cool!

I'll take that bet, knowing that I'll lose!


What I can't wait for though, is for some noob to say the name of a smilie from where they come from (IE: :mrgreen:) and see that it doesn't show up, and go "WTF THE SMILIE ISNT WORKING OMG ARE YOU HACKERS??".

._. Sigh.

At least it'll be better than "how do i jump??"...
The best part about this is, is that the smilies aren't really gone; smart people can still use them.
It's too complicated for noobs to spam with it, though. Especially because they'll be banned before they ever figure it out.
I remember back when Mystic said this:

"a441, I know you hate smilies, but the rest of us don't, so deal with it."

Oh, how times have changed! ;P
Speaking of bets...

Draykon said:
Five dollars says in a few weeks, some n00b will ask "how do i get smilies?"

I wonder how fast the Suggestions and Help section is going to fill up with topics like these:


I personally bet five dollars that 4-5 topics are going to be in need of locks in the near future. =/

But once the n00b uproar dies down, mods and admins have an easier time, and smart people can still use their smilies. So... the important people win!
I'd just like to note that the purpose of killing smilies is partly because the corresponding text looks better. I personally prefer :P to the one that is just hanging a red thing out of its mouth. The other part is that n00bs are spamming them and that little column on the left should kill off a few of the questions. Abusing the image tags to bring back the old smilies kinda defeats the purpose.

But yeah, insert a random image tagged smilie here that completely defeats the purpose of having said the above in the first place.
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