Well, two completely unrelated things. I'll start with the one people will actually like:
Smilies have been disabled. AJ or I will fix the posting display later to emphasize the great news.
Now for the news that's a little less awesome:
You guys NEED to stop backseat moderating.
If someone is an idiot and breaks the rules, unless you have "Moderator" or "Administrator" next to your name, it is NOT your job to say anything about it. If they're really that dumb, simply ignore the post and let the administrators handle it when they get there. This is not a shooting gallery, and if you try to make it one, you will be given a ban along with the person you're making fun of.
The following answers to someone being an idiot are acceptable:
Read the Wiki/FAQ (In response to a question)
Actually being helpful.
Not posting anything.
The following answers are not:
Read the rules.
Your grammar sucks.
This topic should be locked.
Die in a fire.
If someone is a moron, just let the admins deal with it. While I agree, making fun of idiots is fun, the reality is that it makes it very hard to clean up the mess as an administrator, and it makes my job a lot harder when you indulge in making fun of idiots.
Give the administrators a break. Let us do our jobs as easily as possible. It's hard enough to deal with the idiots as it is.
Smilies have been disabled. AJ or I will fix the posting display later to emphasize the great news.
Now for the news that's a little less awesome:
You guys NEED to stop backseat moderating.
If someone is an idiot and breaks the rules, unless you have "Moderator" or "Administrator" next to your name, it is NOT your job to say anything about it. If they're really that dumb, simply ignore the post and let the administrators handle it when they get there. This is not a shooting gallery, and if you try to make it one, you will be given a ban along with the person you're making fun of.
The following answers to someone being an idiot are acceptable:
Read the Wiki/FAQ (In response to a question)
Actually being helpful.
Not posting anything.
The following answers are not:
Read the rules.
Your grammar sucks.
This topic should be locked.
Die in a fire.
If someone is a moron, just let the admins deal with it. While I agree, making fun of idiots is fun, the reality is that it makes it very hard to clean up the mess as an administrator, and it makes my job a lot harder when you indulge in making fun of idiots.
Give the administrators a break. Let us do our jobs as easily as possible. It's hard enough to deal with the idiots as it is.