Avatar Restructuring and Signature Query

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Avatar linking has been completely restructured.

You now upload the avatar to Sepwich, and it will check your avatar for filesize and pixel dimensions before it allows it onto the forums. The new limits are 128x128, and 10 KB. This is slightly smaller than before, but honestly, it was 144x144 because of a mistake, and it's about time I fix it. The rule about avatar + signature being less than 20 KB still applies.

All people with disabled avatars should have their privileges back. If you don't, message me.

Also, I'm considering removing signatures altogether, so here is a rare poll from me. Please vote AND reply with why you voted what you did. Note that the results of the poll will not directly dictate what I do, so don't go and try and rig the voting or something. You'll just be wasting your time.
First of all, why can't 144x144 avatars stay? It's not like they're too big or anything (I'm surfing on 800x600 dialup), and, uh... yeah... It loads quick and looks fine >_>

Sigs should stay, IMO. They allow somebody to promote projects without getting their asses rammed by the mods, they allow links to their sites which would probably get virtually no hits otherwise, and well, some of those sigs out there are just damned hillarious (Specifically some of the IRC quotes). Essentially every other major forum on the internet has sigs enabled, and the SRB2 forum shouldn't be any different.
I'm "somewhat for" removing signatures, because that really decreases the amount of policing that moderators have to do to make sure the sigs conform.

Or is there a way we can just disable HTML/BBCode in signatures?
There. Much better solution. Images in signatures have been removed. Much easier than I thought it would be.

Poll removed. Signatures can stay.

Edit: Or maybe they haven't. Wasn't as easy as I'd hoped *runs off to fix*

Edit 2: THAT should do it. I'm an idiot with teh PHP.
As soon as I voted, the poll disappeared!

The avatar size should stay at 144 x 144. I just don't see any problems with it.
I'd say keep sigs, as you may want to advertise your WAD there(advertising in sigs is less annoying then a huge banner).

BTW, can you have GIF images in the your avatar(EX: the Sonic Xtreme running southwest at SOST)?

EDIT: 6.02KB shouldn't hurt, even if the GIF is like 8 frames....
No images in sigs? Bah, I don't like it. I don't like it at all.

Why? Simple, everywhere else does it. I understand, this place isn't everywhere else, but that just makes it seem lame in comparison. Said images promote creativity (even if you utterly lack it and just show generic no-shaded Sonic #14233), and do a LOT to dress up the otherwise very much spartan look of a message board.

Seriously, the 20KB limit was bad enough in a time where I don't know anyone on dial-up anymore. No need to go insane with limits, now is there?

As for sigs entirely, that'd be even crazier, for the reasons I already listed and others have already brought up (the ONLY place you can advertise your stuff, really - if they're gone, what the Hell are we left with? What if we come up with a really, REALLY good indie game and want to spread the word, but can't since it'd come up as advertising?)
nice, just nice, just when i was getting used to my Avvy :cry:

BTW, im just asking, but why are there Avvy limits and Signature Limits as well?
Yes, no images in sigs is pretty dull, if you ask me. I think the 20 KB limit already did wonders to keep this message board light, there's no need to revoke another of a usual forum priviledge.

Regardless of what comes out in the end, don't forget to correct the forum splash page and the rules topic to match the new information, Mystic.
I'd like to be the first to disagree with the no images in sigs thing, but it looks like I was a bit late. What's the point of a sig with only text? Now ALL we're going to have is retarded sig quotes.

As for having to upload avatars to the board and limiting their dimensions further, I'm slightly more agreeable. I already have a 100 pixel square avatar I use for DDRFreak, but I preferred it back when I could just upload a new "avatar.gif" to my webspace to change my avatar on every board I go to. What good does it do to require uploading them to the MB itself?
Tets said:
What good does it do to require uploading them to the MB itself?

Automatic file size enforcement.

And I still have dial-up at home, Shadow Hog. :D

I think the reason Mystic is doing this is because all of the mods are tired of having to constantly keep track of newbies making 500k avatars and signature images.

If you want to advertise in your sig, you still can. Do something like this:


Sonic Robo Blast 2: http://www.srb2.org
My Website: http://www.ssntails.org
Check out my comic strip!: http://www.buzzy-the-fly.com
I can understand the avatar change now, at least, but I still find the sig limitation to be overly oppressive. We may as well just outlaw images altogether on the board.

By the way, emoticon images can still be used in sigs. You know some wanker is going to abuse that now, to spam the board with 50 lines of smileys per post.
Neo Chaotikal said:
Yeah, but nobody's gonna just click on a URL without a flashy banner. Unless they're really bored.

Then spice it up with a little bit of AasSCciIIi art and multicolors. :wink:
SSNTails said:
Neo Chaotikal said:
Yeah, but nobody's gonna just click on a URL without a flashy banner. Unless they're really bored.

Then spice it up with a little bit of AasSCciIIi art and multicolors. :wink:

With the sig character limit, I find that really hard to do. :(
Read my avvy. ^_~
EDIT: Nevermind, I changed it. :P
I dont really care on the sig line image matter, most likely because I dont use it. =P
SSNTails said:
Neo Chaotikal said:
Yeah, but nobody's gonna just click on a URL without a flashy banner. Unless they're really bored.

Then spice it up with a little bit of AasSCciIIi art and multicolors. :wink:

Funnily enough, that's what I said too.

Personally, I don't care about the avatar issue, what with a 64x64 avvy, and as for sig images, big freaking deal.

Well, okay, I just got a new one courtesy of Spazz, but still, if your avatar is so detailed that 16 pixels of difference on two sides will matter, then you have a problem.
Bah, I've used my sig to express my individuality. Now I can't do it thanks to this new rule. ;( I know a hundred other boards that allow signature images.
This whole rule change thing is all bad. I belive there is no good side to this. and what was the point of this whole rule change thing anyway. and shouldn't you at least consider what everyone has to say and not base your desision on just what you want to do alone.
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