Automatically make a list of addons to load on startup (Windows)


For those unaware, Ring Racers is coded to read the contents of a script called ringexec.cfg (if it exists in the game's directory) and execute whatever commands it contains automatically as the game starts. This has multiple uses, but the usage of interest to most would be the addfile command. This will tell the game to load additional files, eliminating the need to select addons individually from the in-game menu.

If you are anything like me, you may want to have a quicker way of creating a ringexec.cfg instead of manually typing out each individual addon into the file yourself. This is why I wrote a little batch file to automate the process of creating a ringexec.cfg file. Simply paste the following into a text file, save it as .bat format, and place it in the same folder as ringracers.exe

IF EXIST "ringexec.cfg" del /q ringexec.cfg
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%cd%\addons\*.*"') do echo addfile addons\%%~nxf>>ringexec.cfg

When you run the batch file, it will create a list of all the files currently in your addons folder and put them into a ringexec.cfg file. It will also delete the prior ringexec.cfg file if you had one already. So the next time you start the game, it will automatically load all of those addon!

If you want to also automatically start the game itself using the batch file, all you have to do is add start ringracers.exe to a new line at the bottom of the file like so:

IF EXIST "ringexec.cfg" del /q ringexec.cfg
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s "%cd%\addons\*.*"') do echo addfile addons\%%~nxf>>ringexec.cfg
start ringracers.exe

If you you're looking to automatically regenerate the ringexec.cfg file every time you play, you can make shortcuts to this batch file and have it be your main way of starting the game!

I hope you all find this useful. Happy racing!

NOTE: This method also works for SRB2 and SRB2 Kart, however you will need to change the batch file so that all instances of ringexec.cfg instead say autoexec.cfg for SRB2 or kartexec.cfg for SRB2 Kart.