i can't find it
JJames19119 said:Open Notepad, go to Save As... and save it in the SRB2 directory as autoexec.cfg
Spazzo said:Ya, easy.
Get the God Shield *bricked*
Spazzo said:A GOd shield is the electric/yellow shield, silly :P
alias teamred "changeteam red; say /me has switched to the red team."
alias teamblue "changeteam blue; say /me has switched to the blue team."
I made one of those, though it had a lot more colors in it then that and looked beautiful and whatnot, but I could never manage to stop it and it pretty much locked up the console until you quit the game. The horror... Maybe we need some "haltexec <scriptname>" thing to make the next "exec <scriptname>" fail by setting some variable during a "wait" phase and automaticly terminate scripts that exec themselves with no wait... Or something. SRB2's scripting is so ... ... ... primitive. :(furyhunter600 said:I'm currently working on a script that changes the colors of Sonic repeatedly to orange, yellow, silver, white and again in reverse. I haven't got it quite capable of stopping and turning back to blue, and I need a color chart of the different color ID's, as I have forgotten them since my last test of it ^_^