Please you must under stand, that could not have been me! please do not ban me for someone who tried to frame me, I had this discussion with PC already.
Pc = Player Connector, and they found out taht this IP:
had been using my ip with a WHOIS command. They also have been telling me to get a firewall to prevent that, but I cannot.
please you must understand THIS is not fair, IT IS NOT ME who did it, I do not want to be banned for some noob who framed me and takes away everything I join! THIS is the last engine I can actually use, DO NOT TAKE IT AWAY FROM ME! My friends are bugging me! If you do not let me back, then all I can do is go back to my GCN and nothing else, and there is not friends to play!
I BEG OF YOU PLEASE! UNBAN ME, and give me some tip to avoid another noob that has hacked me from this place.
ITS NOT MY FAULT, do not take the fun away, I WANT TO PLAY WITH MY FRIEND BADLY! This is totally unfair, you should ban that IP I sent you not mine! I am SO BORED and this is the only VERY LAST ENGINE I can use to play, not that I hate sonic, its the ONLY ONE!
Pc said come back when I have FFCC (some firewall) then they will unban me, please atlease unban me now, I will do what PC wants me to do too. Just please do this! I CANNOT TAKE THIS NO MORE, I WILL SUICIDE MYSELF for all the DUMB fuckers that hack me and ruin my fucking life, I would bomb all of their asses for being idiots who ruin inocent peoples fun that have nothing to do!
Also I would like to know since it said I (Which it could not be me) when to kick someone or ban someone when I am allowed!?