Assistance w/ bug fixing

Wiil you accept this to being released if I cripple netgames like Sonic Overdrive?

  • Yes-because of crippled netgames

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes-because of increased speed on Knux

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- (Your name here) only helped b/c it wouldn't be released

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No- You need to cripple it worse.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ok- but I want your Single Player Mode SOC alongside it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Chaos Knux

Daww, a mother and her foal
this is a fixed reincarnation of my locked topic. I've refreshed every word to be without ToS violations to the best of my knowledge. If this is still an offense please just lock the topic. Im only trying to get assistance in the form of instructions/tips with the debugging of my personal "vs bots in match" WAD.

I believe that I already have the S_SKIN
name = Chaos_Knux 
face = SBOKLIFE 
facename = STKNUXNM 
ability = 2 
normalspeed = 36 
thrustfactor = 5 
accelstart = 196 
acceleration = 50 
spin = 1 
startcolor = 12 
prefcolor = 12 
jumpheight = 100 
boxindex = 0 
highres = 0 
runspeed = 30 
runonwater = 1 
allowsuper = 0 
superspin = 0
supercolor =  0 
nojumpspin = 0 
superanims = 0 
multiability = 1 
lightdash = 0 
homing = 0 
ringslinger = 0 
slingitem = 126 
spinitem = 
thokitem = 
actionspd = 60 
waterskip = 1 
mindash = 1 
maxdash = 90
I just dont know how to edit knux.plr's sprites so that they work somewhat properly in this WAD.
Can anyone help me?

the main bug is that there are crashes when i stop gliding
the secondary bug is that bored sprite 1 is the falling sprite.
plz tell me how to fix these
note that i wont release it
Go to XWE options, and un-check the "rename lowercase lumps" box, then rename the last two lumps from 'A' to 'a' and 'B' to 'b'... If all else fails, just use a hex editor and change the names near the end like before... This was how I did it before I got XWE to work...
Chaos Knux said:
name = Chaos_Knux
facename = STKNUXNM
ability = 2
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 196
acceleration = 50
spin = 1
startcolor = 12
prefcolor = 12
jumpheight = 100
boxindex = 0
highres = 0
runspeed = 30
runonwater = 1
allowsuper = 0
superspin = 0
supercolor = 0
nojumpspin = 0
superanims = 0
multiability = 1
lightdash = 0
homing = 0
ringslinger = 0
slingitem = 126
spinitem =
thokitem =

actionspd = 60
waterskip = 1
mindash = 1
maxdash = 90
The ones in bold should either not be there, or should not be left blank.
The SRB2 Wiki is currently undergoing maintenance. Access will possibly be restored soon.

9/10/2007 9:00PM EDT

-Hello from DW! ~~

-- Hay guys. It’s Spazzo. ;) --

What?! You guys weren't supposed to close this then! -Digi
9/12/2007 3:30AM EDT

Wiki maintenance is half-complete. What has occurred so far:

* Full directory backup before maintenance. Excludes images/.
* Completely deleted old MediaWiki 1.5 installation.
* Full database backup.
* Full database restore on a new DB. The "text" table's (i.e. all page content) integrity may not be complete, but for the most part should be okay.
* Installed new version MediaWiki 1.11.0.
* Did quick content and software checks.
* Reintegrated SSNTails's login check into the software. A rough edge or two, but otherwise functional.

What's left to do:

* Install optional (yet useful) extensions and do miscellaneous prep-ups on the Wiki.
* Re-open the Wiki. Taunt the users that I've been listening to Britney Spears the entire time (well, not entirely.)

I hope access to be restored by the evening of 9/12 or morning of 9/13, EDT. My apologies.

--Digi 9/12/2007 11:50AM EDT

Go to XWE options, and un-check the "rename lowercase lumps" box, then rename the last two lumps from 'A' to 'a' and 'B' to 'b'... If all else fails, just use a hex editor and change the names near the end like before... This was how I did it before I got XWE to work...
There is some good in this world, and its worth fighting for. ~Sam, LotR

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Posted: Wed Sep 12, 2007 12:00 pm Post subject: Re: Assistance w/ bug fixing


Chaos Knux wrote:

name = Chaos_Knux
facename = STKNUXNM
ability = 2
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 196
acceleration = 50
spin = 1
startcolor = 12
prefcolor = 12
jumpheight = 100
boxindex = 0
highres = 0
runspeed = 30
runonwater = 1
allowsuper = 0
superspin = 0
supercolor = 0
nojumpspin = 0
superanims = 0
multiability = 1
lightdash = 0
homing = 0
ringslinger = 0
slingitem = 126
spinitem =
thokitem =

actionspd = 60
waterskip = 1
mindash = 1
maxdash = 90
The ones in bold should either not be there, or should not be left blank.
thank you ill try that and it is different from regular knux's appearance b/c it wont stop being green

name = Chaos_Knux
facename = STKNUXNM
ability = 2
normalspeed = 36
thrustfactor = 5
accelstart = 196
acceleration = 50
spin = 1
endcolor = 191
prefcolor = 12
jumpheight = 100
boxindex = 3
runonwater= 1
allowsuper = 0
actionspd = 60
mindash = 20
maxdash = 90
waterskip = 1

I'll Begin, I want the permanant green so the startcolor stays
the main bug is that there are crashes when i stop gliding
the secondary bug is that bored sprite 1 is the tailscarry sprite and after i land from a jump the standing sprite is the falling sprite

Edit: Damn now its something i can't even explain w/o a screenshot, which i have no clue how to post!

*involuntarily opens the Chaos Seal and becomes "Demon Knux"*
*manages to reset the seal and becomes Chaos Knux once again*
Sorry about that. That was my "Dark Form"
So anyway how do i post a screenie for you to see whats happening?
Chaos Knux said:
FU Zanyhead

The Rules said:
4. Keep any arguments you have with other members outside of the board. Likewise, flaming, or mindless insulting of another user, is strictly prohibited. Trolling, or posting to intentionally disrupt forum activity and/or to generate an angry response, is strictly prohibited in all forms.
SRB2 version = 1.69
Character 4
PlayerName = CHAOS KNUX
PicName = 
SkinName = Chaos_Knux
Status = 32
PlayerText  Speed:    Ludacris
            Ability     Chaos Glide
Flavortext             As the strongest
powered-up form on Mobius,
Try this.

SRB2 version = 109

Character 0
MenuPosition = 10

Character 1
MenuPosition = 20

Character 2
MenuPosition = 30

Character 4
MenuPosition = 40

Character 4
PlayerName = CHAOS KNUX
SkinName = Chaos_Knux
Status = 32
PlayerText  Speed:    Ludacris
            Ability     Chaos Glide
Flavortext             As the strongest
powered-up form on Mobius,
Lump arrangement. Make sure your WAD's lumps are arranged like this.

Life icon, character select and life icon text if you have them

If you have anything else it goes after the sprites.
I'll Begin said:
Lump arrangement. Make sure your WAD's lumps are arranged like this.

Life icon, character select and life icon text if you have them

If you have anything else it goes after the sprites.

?_? they are seperate from the S_SKIN?

goddammit i bet soccers don't get this shit!
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