'Are you in a relationship and interesting stories.' topic.

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Woodstock said:
* giant picture*
Women can really get on your nerves. This is funny and incredibly truthful about women. They cause men problems. But somehow, us, men, are attracted to women, even though we know that they'll cause us problems.
OK to tell the truth. i dont have on. everyone hates me. ITS THE TRUTH. i get stabbed almost evryday.
I have several friends that are girls, but not in any relationship. Nope, not at all.

roxas_the_hedgehog said:
OK to tell the truth. i dont have on. everyone hates me. ITS THE TRUTH. i get stabbed almost evryday.

Yeah, it isn't funny to joke about that, you know.
Woodstock said:
* giant picture*
Women can really get on your nerves. This is funny and incredibly truthful about women. They cause men problems. But somehow, us, men, are attracted to women, even though we know that they'll cause us problems.

That because you didn't see me. At this point, I should have already surrended trying to conquer Melina, but I can't, I feel way too attracted to her. I wonder what does she have other girls don't...
Yeah. I do have a girlfriend. It's our 4 month anniversary today. :D

Most of the girls out there are trouble, but if you find the right girl, everything will be ok. I'm not saying you will find her right away but it takes some time. I had to wait all my life to find the girlfriend that I have right now.
M.V.P said:
Yeah. I do have a girlfriend. It's our 4 month anniversary today. :D

Most of the girls out there are trouble, but if you find the right girl, everything will be ok. I'm not saying you will find her right away but it takes some time. I had to wait all my life to find the girlfriend that I have right now.

I got lucky first time, and now we're coming up to our 3rd month anniversary (20th September) soon. =P
cueball61 said:
M.V.P said:
Yeah. I do have a girlfriend. It's our 4 month anniversary today. :D

Most of the girls out there are trouble, but if you find the right girl, everything will be ok. I'm not saying you will find her right away but it takes some time. I had to wait all my life to find the girlfriend that I have right now.

I got lucky first time, and now we're coming up to our 3rd month anniversary (20th September) soon. =P

Lucky you, and me, cause that's when Super Paper Mario comes out here. :3
BlueZero4 said:
Meh. I don't feel lke posting anything at the moment. Arial wasn't a good experience. :(

DUDE.. You need to check out Times New Roman. She's a hot chick. Arial is just bad news.

Sik said:
Tell me that when you find a girl and you start loving it...

I love how you call girls "it"s. :P

M.V.P. said:
Most of the girls out there are trouble, but if you find the right girl, everything will be ok. I'm not saying you will find her right away but it takes some time. I had to wait all my life to find the girlfriend that I have right now.

All your life? What are you, 16?
I just plain like Logan. But problem is, he's not very reliable...
Remember Mystic, the creator of the famous Mystic Realm? He was severely in love with me. I don't know if he gave up, but he's a second choice maybe...

WHAAA! I don't even know what I'm talking about!!
Yuni said:
I just plain like Logan. But problem is, he's not very reliable...
Remember Mystic, the creator of the famous Mystic Realm? He was severely in love with me. I don't know if he gave up, but he's a second choice maybe...

WHAAA! I don't even know what I'm talking about!!

Do you know Logan's sister by any chance? =P

Omega will know what I'm talking about...
Yuni said:
I mean LOGAN THE WOLF, not Logan_GBA

Still, do you know Amy Arias? She has a crush on Omega, she goes on the DBP Message Board, and yeah, Omega is the 'big honcho' on there.

Amy is to Omega as Yuni is to Mystic XD
cueball61 said:
Amy is to Omega as Yuni is to Mystic XD
...and all I've got is a bunch of male prepubescent teens wanting to have my babies.
Well, I have a girlfriend.

We met about 5 years ago. She, being a major Sonic fan, was going through Google, interested in Sonic voice actors, and eventually stumbled upon my old page. She contacted me through e-mail, wondering how I did all the voice acting...stuff that I did. After some time, we fell out of contact. About a year later, we started talking again, and we realised how much we had in common. It was almost scary...but intriguing. We often talked about all the stuff we had in common, and soon, we both admitted our love for each other. About 2 years later, in 2005, we were able to finally meet. She flew down from Washington state to visit an art collage here, and while she did that, I drove cross-state to see her. We only spent 3 days together, but it was the best 3 days we had ever had. She had to leave, but about 4 months later, she came back to attend a summer school at the collage. Again, I drove cross-state to see her, and we had an awesome time at a water park, and we got to spend 2 days together with each other on the beach. Then she had to go back home. But again, about 4 months later, she actually got to move down to Florida and we've been together ever since. I moved up to Washington with her for about a year, but things weren't working out for me there as far as having a job and whatnot. So, I moved back down to Florida about 11 days ago, and I'm going to establish myself again. Once I get a place, she'll be moving back down with me, and will eventually be going to college. :P
I'm probably not getting one until I am 15. I already broke up with a girlfriend who took me for another guy.... and I was 4 years old.
supersonic45 said:
I'm probably not getting one until I am 15. I already broke up with a girlfriend who took me for another guy.... and I was 4 years old.

I think 4-years-old children's relationships are never too serious, are they? I have that idea since my mother told me a funny story about her. She told me that when she was 4, a boy said he wanted to marry her, and she said "Uh... OK.", thinking: "He's going to forget about that, so, meh.".

(Translation ruined it.)
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