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Archie Sonic in Srb2 Confirmed

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Well, R.I.P Archie Sonic. Wish I could do something about it, like reboot the mod with permission, but I never did this before and I'm on Android. I don't have a PC. So, till someone picks this up, this character is dead. R.I.P Archie, you died just like you did in real life.
That’s not true at all. He was banned because he was tracing over other people’s works and calling them his own and edited a Hires Sprite one of my friends made for him without permission
he doesn't traced ._.
nope man, in start he traced but u teached he how draw it
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i teached*
You're really not helping your case here. It's been proven by literally putting the images side by side that Sonamous did trace other people's art and refused to admit it - though that's not exactly why he was banned, rather his attitude is what got him in trouble. And if you're claiming you taught him, it makes it even worse, because the CSS art you "made" for this here mod, is also very clearly traced too.

There's a difference between tracing and referencing. Just because some details were removed or slightly altered, like one of Sonic's quills, doesn't change the fact that it's blatantly traced. And if that's not enough to prove my point, I layered these two on top of each other and lowered the opacity, and here's the result:

So uh, yeah. Pretty obviously traced.
Hopefully someone could make an actual Archie Sonic that DOESN'T have any stolen artwork and everything was done from scratch, similar to the Adventure mods since those were made FROM scratch.
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