Lucky bastards. Super Paper Mario is not here yet. SatSR is just too short. Surely, 100 levels....yeah right. Most of the time they just took a part of a level and edited it, sometimes even just putting some new enemies there. The thing that's always been bugging me in the newer Sonic games. MISSIONS. Just run to the damn goal as fast as you can without any rules. Seriously, not attacking enemies or not collecting pearls is just dumb. 6 real levels, 14 shorter-but-decent levels that sometimes get ruined by the fact you can't murder enemies or have to search for eggs. Don't get me wrong, Sonic and the Secret Rings is PURE fun in the goal levels, and all those new abilities are only more fun, but they can never be used to the fullest to the lack of good levels.
Wario Ware is fun for a while, but is finished too quick, and has bad replay-ability without any friends. SSX Blur ain't here either. Virtual Console has quite a few top-games, but I already have most of them on my original console.
Yeah, my cousin had the Sonic The Hedgehog game for 360, he let me play it, it was awesome....but then I bought the game and it was fun at first, but then after a couple days, I started to see the bugs, I was so disappointed, it made me want to cry, the next gen wads were much better than the actual game. even if you have the system, I suggest not to buy it........
Always the problems with the bugs....I'd say, use them to your advantage, and lenghten the periode of fun with them. Running of the building with Tails in SADX? What'ya mean a bad thing? Always have to see it from the bad side? Go explore the place as Tails, see what you can do. If it wasn't for the bugs, I'd be playing SADX for about half the time. I also hardly saw any camera problems in Sonic next gen. Only 1 so far. And that was that the camera got stuck behind the door and I couldn't see anything.
If you're working for a game-magazine, then you should look carefully at both the bad and the good points out of a game. But if not, you should just take the best out of a game and see it all from the positive side. You'll have a lot fun in games such as Sonic2K6 if you just do that. "Teh ol' Sonic games never had camera problems!" Well, I'd get angry if a 2D game had camera problems. Only viewing from 1 angle, and still getting problems?