Anyone ever tried SRB2 on an intel Mac running Leopard?

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Well, my shiny new Macbook Pro is on it's way, and I plan to completely leave behind my
Windows PC, if anyone here has an intel Mac running Leopard, do you know if SRB2 works with it, and do netgames work as well?
Watch out, as I hear the OS X version, Darwine, isn't as compatible. You could try, but it might not work as well as WINE on Linux.
WINE stands for Wine Is Not an Emulator.

It's an API wrapper, that's all.

None of us have Intel macs, so we can't compile using the Cocoa API.
Wait, if the W in WINE stands for WINE, then, WINE stands for...

WINE is not an emulator WINE is not an emulator WINE is not an emulator WINE is not an emulator WINE is not an emulator WINE is not an emulator...

I think.
So... It's WINEine?

Also I don't see why SRB2 Mac wouldn't run on 10.5, I haven't tried it because I'm still on 10.4.10 and windows, but try downloading it and turning it on maybe?
DashFox2007 said:
I was talking about using Srb2mac on an intel mac running Mac OS X 10.5 - no windows emulators.

Oh, if you're hoping to be able to do net games with and Intel Mac, Chao Freaks brother tried it with me, you can get in net games, but then you get kicked for consistency failure, even without high ping.

Also, even though I normally defend Apple (sorta how in the last Mac World magazine it tells how people who normal defend Apple have been giving them some criticism), there are still a lot of bugs in Lepord, such as some drop down menus not appearing and transparency bugs. Though, then again, they'll probably fix those in an update.

OH! OH! I just found this article on! It says that the Mac has won the Mac and PC war!
I don't exactly agree with them, I'll admit, PCs are useful in some ways.
My cousin, who very few of you know as Ketchup 360, has an Intel Mac. However, it's doubtful I can get him to compile an Intel Mac binary, because I don't know how to do it and I doubt he does either. Plus, he's not an SRB2 player nor a Sonic fan at all.
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