There's a ton of tech actually, just depends the character you're looking for.
Amy has hammer cancel, where you press Spin+Jump at the same time to allow her to get a slight speed boost. It starts the animation for the hammer but transitions it into a jump, so it's faster than just running.
Fang has something similar called Pop-Shot. Pressing Spin+Jump lets you fire a shot while maintaining some momentum. Your shot will come out, but Fang will instantly jump, allowing you to move. You cannot fire when you otherwise couldn't though.
If you already have some height and want to gain a lot more, Tails and Knuckles can perform up-fly and up-glide respectively, by bouncing on an enemy without jumping their maximum jump height and then right after popping the enemy, you'll ascend rather rapidly, depending on how high you started from.
Speaking on the last one, if you jump your maximum jump height, and then bounce off an enemy, you can control how high you bounce by holding jump until you reach the desired height, then let go. This works for everyone except Fang since he doesn't exactly bounce off enemies like everyone else.