Any other game developers here?

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Kind of a stupid question to ask, given the nature of the forums, but :roll: other than the SRB2 team, does anyone have any finished or near-finished projects they're willing to share? I'd love to try them out and swap ideas. IMO, homebrew games tend to be better than 95% of the commercial crap out there.
[shameless plug] Mine's in my sig. >_> [/shameless plug]
Muh, I wish. I don't have the skillz to start a game from scratch.

Edit: Eh, while I'm here.. *shameless plug*

well... I'm an amatuer designer, though I haven't actually created a game (due to a lack of a team) I have many different designs just waiting to be made... but alas, I suck with computers...
I'm planing on making a Zelda fan game with (Everybody:*gasp*) Gamemaker. Hey, just because a game isn't programed in C doesn't mean it sucks. And those of you who heard me talking about, don't tell any thing to any one.

Shuffle's avatar = teh pwns.
Yes, as Shuffle said, I run Cirrus Creative. It is (or will be) a small group of people teaming up to make games. Unfortunately so far, all it is, is an isolated collection of developers making their own projects. We need to find a way to all get together so that we can decide on a good project to do together.

In the end, I'm picturing something like what Free Lunch Design did. Make a cool game, distribute it for free, and get recognition. There's quite a good lot of people that know about Icy Tower.

On the whole deal about Game Maker, I don't mind the use of such programs, as long as the end result is good, and the user doesn't use any pre-made graphics that might come with the program. Just so you know, it IS possible to make a good and bugless game with a tool like MMF or Game Maker. It just takes the right knowledge and experience. Being a user of Click products for over seven years, I've gotten to know the ins and outs of working with MMF.

Anyone that says that MMF does not have the capability to create good custom movements is simply fabricating information and clearly has no experience with the actual software they are attempting to complain about. So honestly, who would you listen to? The person who has played two MMF games that were made by n00bies just getting started on the software, or the guy who has used the software for over seven years and has been in the Click community for almost as long?

Rant over.
I can code C, but I've never finished a game for lack of desire.
Well, I worked a bit on Sonic Action and Goober Adventure in the past, but never on a game of mine.
I've made some programs though.
C isn't optimal for game design these days. It was great a decade or so ago, when it was among the highest level around, and it still tends to render the most efficient final product (and as such is my personal favorite ^_^), but it is painfully slow to develop even a simple GUI, let alone today's games. That doesn't mean it can't be done with a sizable team of talented coders, but for individual hobbyists or small groups, it's more trouble than it's worth. C++ or even Java are much better suited for our use. Phew, that took longer than expected.

Oh, and I've got nothing against Gamemaker, and I actually learned a lot from it, but in about two months, I realized it wasn't flexible enough for me, at least not without taking longer to accomplish something than just coding it. I like a game to do exactly what I want it to, even if it means spending 5 times the time on it :)

Fox, Cirrus looks like something I might like to hop on board with. Who else is working with you? If you'd like I'll PM you my personal email and we'll see if we can't get a project in the works. You're welcome to host Cheezus regardless ~_^
Cheezmeister said:
Fox, Cirrus looks like something I might like to hop on board with. Who else is working with you? If you'd like I'll PM you my personal email and we'll see if we can't get a project in the works. You're welcome to host Cheezus regardless ~_^
It's probably easier to hop over to #cirruscity on ;P
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