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AmyR Remake WIP (Beta WAD Available!)

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Senku Niola said:
SRB2 1.1 pallete in 1.09.4. Aka Steel Blue (color 8) Sonic.

Best answer, I think.

I like this Amy wad a lot! It's good to see a modern Amy is getting made/fixed up! :D
Senku Niola said:
SRB2 1.1 pallete in 1.09.4. Aka Steel Blue (color 8) Sonic.

1. This is what Steel Blue looks like:

2. He said it's not SRB2.
3. Come to think of it, it really doesn't look that much like SRB2 at all. For example, the camera doesn't fisheye as much, making the image seem a little flatter.
'who gives a rat's blast', XD. You guys were way off, I expected much more intelligent guesses. It's not skulltag (never played it) or a photoshop'd pic(I don't have Photoshop anyway I use photostudio)
Now before something bad happens, I'll spill the beans, I won't have people believing it's fake.
Those screenshots are of a game engine based on my 3D engine used in my fan game, Sonic Advanced, but with a fully working SRB2 style HUD and functional/non-buggy z collision physics from another engine on the GMC forums.
It's a project I 'code-named' SRBG. This is an engine test to push GM7 to its limits, to see if I can make a fast and efficient SRB2 style First/Third Person engine for my own 3D game. If/when completed, it will offer features such as custom characters, levels, ogg playback, split-screen multiplayer, an SRB2-like experience...ect. Thankfully, it's so different from SRB2, that's its not compatible with WADs, so nobody can flood the releases section with edits of or add-ons for SRBG. SRBG is totally different from SRB2 with different intentions and should be discussed/showcased elsewhere.
I am in no way competing with the SRB2 engine, there's no competition in fan games anyway, people usually play them all. OpenGL style graphics, netplay, color changing characters, any of the special effects in 1.1...ect will not be possible with or planned for SRBG. It is a engine only, and limited to use on Windows 2000 and above only. (So if you want to make a mod with better flexibility and it be playable on game consoles or PCs with low system specs, modify SRB2 instead)
A official level pack will not be included, others will have to make their own levels.
I might provide a alpha executable in the video games discussion board, once I have made a decent zone to play in the engine and have SSNTails direct permission to release it publicly. Especially since I'm using his sprites/music...ect.
Let's get back on topic, I already made the mistake of derailing it so badly, I only wanted to show you guys what I was up to. Here are some better quality pics.


On-Topic: I didn't feel like working on her running frames tonight, so I edited Nitro's character select pic.
Blade T. Hedgehog said:
Yay, I was right!
You didn't say anything.

Furthermore, if you want an SRB2-esque experience in your engine, Dr. Pepper, then perhaps you could try setting the Field of Vision to 90 degrees? It won't look realistic, but it'll look pretty much exactly like SRB2's OpenGL. At the moment, everything just looks FLATTER than it does already in SRB2.

Also, have a mild white fog effect in the distance. It'll look schweet and help with depth perception.
I said:
Your own engine that's been tweaked with a bit of Srb2?
I was publicly right.

Anyway, in Nitro's character select pic Amy looks, in my opinion, well..uh...let's just say not the best. Her hair spines needs to be a bit more defined, straightened out, and pointy-ended. She needs to look less obese, she needs her hammer, her forehead hair needs to be longer, her socks need wrinkles, and she needs to be in a more Amy like pose. Such as posing like a little girlie pose for the camera, or ready to joyfully kick the crap out of Sonic for not wanting to be her boyfriend. Not, like she's looking up at a ghost while eating an invisible sandwich. Fix those, and she'll look perfect. Aside from those flaws, the shading is exquisite.
zck2020 said:
I said:
Your own engine that's been tweaked with a bit of Srb2?
I was publicly right.

Anyway, in Nitro's character select pic Amy looks, in my opinion, well..uh...let's just say not the best. Her hair spines needs to be a bit more defined, straightened out, and pointy-ended. She needs to look less obese, she needs her hammer, her forehead hair needs to be longer, her socks need wrinkles, and she needs to be in a more Amy like pose. Such as posing like a little girlie pose for the camera, or ready to joyfully kick the crap out of Sonic for not wanting to be her boyfriend. Not, like she's looking up at a ghost while eating an invisible sandwich. Fix those, and she'll look perfect. Aside from those flaws, the shading is exquisite.
I guess when this wad is added and its teams on match and you have 1 entire team of 8 been Amy and 1 Sonic on the other by himself i guess he will be in a coma after 1 minute of the match even beginning.
I could just edit her to be holding her mallet and change the direction she's looking, but i have a burn on my hand so that'd be a bit hard right now.
Oh, *smacks head* I'm soo, sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I though you were saying that you burned you hand like wore it out from excessive typing or something. I didn't know that you literally burnt your hand. Sorry. Can I do it anyway?
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