Adventure Sonic (v1.8b)

Adventure Sonic (v1.8b) v1.8b

-Updated Milne support again! (You can now also freely activate your dance by pressing C1 in the taunt menu.)
Yeah, about that...
Adventure Sonic is either not using the dancing sprites or just doesn't have them.
Using the newly added function makes him loop one of the taunts like he's cheering on someone.
Doing it the "traditional" way just doesn't use any sprite at all.

EDIT: Upon paying a bit more attention to the update post I realised that the newly added way is just working as intended.


  • MilneDance''Support''.gif
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  • MilneDance''Support''2.gif
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Not to be rude or anything, but I won't be using Adventure Sonic until the Hot-fix update comes out.
Yeah, about that...
Adventure Sonic is either not using the dancing sprites or just doesn't have them.
Using the newly added function makes him loop one of the taunts like he's cheering on someone.
Doing it the "traditional" way just doesn't use any sprite at all.
It would be funny if he had a cheering animation lol.
1.7b hotfix incoming today! I somehow forgot to implement a very high priority request from the great Metalwario64 himself!

Yeah, so this cannot wait. In the meantime, post any bugs you guys find and their fixes will be immediately included too.
got one for ya: for some reason whenever my settings for adventure sonic are loaded it adds taper to my spin trail even though i normally have it off. the shiny setting will also force itself on apon settings being loaded if it was off
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Sa-Sonic doesn't have momentum when running downhills. This is not a complaint just a bug report.
Whooops---I forgot about that entirely. Yeah, okay, done. For people who are confused, this....


Is supposed to look this |vvvvv|

SA-Sonic used the good physics already, but then an SRB2 update (2.11?) put extra measures in place to make absolutely sure characters did not go past their speed cap for whatever reason, so I had to redo it.


Post automatically merged:

Juuust trying not to softlock people who don't know they can mash out of their Lightspeed Attacks.

Yeah, about that...
Adventure Sonic is either not using the dancing sprites or just doesn't have them.
Using the newly added function makes him loop one of the taunts like he's cheering on someone.
Doing it the "traditional" way just doesn't use any sprite at all.

EDIT: Upon paying a bit more attention to the update post I realised that the newly added way is just working as intended.
Yeah, we never had sprites for Milne kicking, I just added something silly with the sprites we already had. Which lead to me having to fix it 3 times over. Ooops.
Metalwario64 updated Adventure Sonic (v1.7) with a new update entry:

v1.7b: A burning need to update

I got a very important note from Metalwario64. It read:

"For v1.7, please burn Sonic the Hedgehog alive. Yours truly, Pyro Wario"

Aaand....I completely forgot to implement it. So now, the emergency ultra-high-priority update! Sonic now catches fire. Enjoy!

Sonic now catches fire.
-Super Sonic gains the look of SMBZ Fire Sonic when he has...

Read the rest of this update entry...
well that sucks that the bug post i made still hasnt been approved by the moderation team. and since now the hotfix is already out its gonna have to wait till next update to be fixed (its been over 3 hours since i made the bug post)
well, they werent lying when they said it was a hot-fix.
Aren't you that one skeleton who lives in snowy place with you brother, in a kindgdom under the earth?
To stay on topic: i don't really feel fire (super) Sonic that special, i mean i see the difference like the fire trail, but idk i expected it to be more special, tho im not askin to make it better i mean it was never mentionned he was gonna be way different or smth. Having (sort of) a new form is already cool.
popping in to ask will adventure sonic ever get battle mod support?
Yes, it'll be in v2 assuming people still want it!

well that sucks that the bug post i made still hasnt been approved by the moderation team. and since now the hotfix is already out its gonna have to wait till next update to be fixed (its been over 3 hours since i made the bug post)
Perhaps you could bug them about having no way to sync in netgames. That'd be huge for me personally.

I don't really feel fire (super) Sonic that special, i mean i see the difference like the fire trail, but idk i expected it to be more special, tho im not askin to make it better i mean it was never mentionned he was gonna be way different or smth. Having (sort of) a new form is already cool.
It isn't, it's just some minor visual fanservice I randomly felt like adding since I was making a "flame aura" anyway!

Also, as a note...Mindscape's phase 3 boss&barriers disappearing is no bug. It's a fix that happens if Inazuma isn't present to prevent you getting softlocked. Lastly, I don't plan to spend more time on Mindscape.

Everything I did would've taken 5 minutes if I simply edited Silverhorn itself. Mindscape (the stage itself and every object/boss in it) is designed intentionally with the opposite of mod-support in mind. And if Silverhorn cracks down more on "unintended play", I've better things to do than bloating SA-Sonic with complex bypass systems.

But if Silverhorn DOES want custom character support, they should do the bare minimum of spending said 5 minutes to not softlock said characters. More power to anyone that cares INTENSELY for Facciolo's lore being respected, but otherwise I feel it's degrading to add support to Mindscape only for it to support you back by softlocking you.
Also, as a note...Mindscape's phase 3 boss&barriers disappearing is no bug. It's a fix that happens if Inazuma isn't present to prevent you getting softlocked. Lastly, I don't plan to spend more time on Mindscape.

Everything I did would've taken 5 minutes if I simply edited Silverhorn itself. Mindscape (the stage itself and every object/boss in it) is designed intentionally with the opposite of mod-support in mind. And if Silverhorn cracks down more on "unintended play", I've better things to do than bloating SA-Sonic with complex bypass systems.

But if Silverhorn DOES want custom character support, they should do the bare minimum of spending said 5 minutes to not softlock said characters. More power to anyone that cares INTENSELY for Facciolo's lore being respected, but otherwise I feel it's degrading to add support to Mindscape only for it to support you back by softlocking you.
now the real question
can he beat the inazuma tutorial stage?
Guess what? i decided to bring him in a trip, and here's some photo of it:

Just looking at all these badniks.


Hmmm interesting...interesting, did he at least realized it's metal sonic?


He had a heart attack lol.


Well well well...


Look at him, so much interested in SRB2's history, i mean it was developped around the same time as it's own game, so it's important to be up to date with the fan side.


Aw look, he befriended the guard!


Oh nevermind...


A mimir.




Hmmm what should he buy? If he even has money...
Guess what? i decided to bring him in a trip, and here's some photo of it:
View attachment 112981
Just looking at all these badniks.

View attachment 112982
Hmmm interesting...interesting, did he at least realized it's metal sonic?

View attachment 112983
He had a heart attack lol.

View attachment 112984
Well well well...

View attachment 112986
Look at him, so much interested in SRB2's history, i mean it was developped around the same time as it's own game, so it's important to be up to date with the fan side.

View attachment 112987
Aw look, he befriended the guard!

View attachment 112988
Oh nevermind...

View attachment 112989
A mimir.

View attachment 112990

View attachment 112991
Hmmm what should he buy? If he even has money...
The daily life of sa-sonic:worry:

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