"Add-ons for this replay were loaded out of order."


~What You Get when the Stars Collide~
Hey, so, I was a dummy and didn't pay attention to what order I loaded the addons for a time attack replay when I recorded it, and I really don't feel like trying a dozen combinations to figure out what was the right one. The fact that the game knows this tells me the replay file has information for the correct load order in it somewhere, and I'm curious to know if there's any way to view it and figure that out, or if I'm hosed and need to channel my inner Sisyphus.

I've (tried to) attach the replay, if it helps. (.lmp files don't seem to be allowed on the forums for some reason??)
The mods I had loaded are:
  • CL_AdventureSonic-v1.8b.pk3
  • CL_DeltaChars-v1.1.pk3
  • SL_2006-music.pk3
  • SL_2006-v1.1.3.pk3
  • L_AdventureMonitors-v4.1.pk3
EDIT: I figured it out, it was DeltaChars, Adventure Sonic, monitors, music, and then the level pack, but I would still like to know for posterity and also later reference when I inevitably put myself in this situation again.
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Hey, so, I was a dummy and didn't pay attention to what order I loaded the addons for a time attack replay when I recorded it, and I really don't feel like trying a dozen combinations to figure out what was the right one. The fact that the game knows this tells me the replay file has information for the correct load order in it somewhere, and I'm curious to know if there's any way to view it and figure that out, or if I'm hosed and need to channel my inner Sisyphus.

I've (tried to) attach the replay, if it helps. (.lmp files don't seem to be allowed on the forums for some reason??)
The mods I had loaded are:
  • CL_AdventureSonic-v1.8b.pk3
  • CL_DeltaChars-v1.1.pk3
  • SL_2006-music.pk3
  • SL_2006-v1.1.3.pk3
  • L_AdventureMonitors-v4.1.pk3
EDIT: I figured it out, it was DeltaChars, Adventure Sonic, monitors, music, and then the level pack, but I would still like to know for posterity and also later reference when I inevitably put myself in this situation again.
Check the log file from the session in which the replay was recorded. The console output will tell you what order the files were loaded in.

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